Chapter 14: Message in a Bottle

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I adjusted my curled hair in its updo, my bangs covering my forehead as Kate came over to help adjust my white veil.

"I can't believe I'm getting married today, especially to Leo," I commented.

"I can't quite believe it either. Don't get me wrong, you two are perfect for each other, but I was starting to doubt if Leo would ever settle down. That's what makes you even far more special."

I smiled faintly as I kept checking my rosy cheeks and subtle red lips, blinking continuously from the volumizing mascara.

"Did I add too much mascara," Kate wondered, since she was in charge of my makeup.

"Maybe a little. I've always been sensitive to it, especially in sunlight."

"Oh goodness, and we're going to be outdoors too. I'm so sorry. Do you want me to try removing it and reapplying?"

"No, because then it could ruin the rest of my makeup. I'm honestly fine."

"Alright, if you're sure." She barely nodded as there was a light knock on the door. I heard a guy clear his throat, beaming when I saw it was Tobey.

"I think they're ready to start the ceremony now. You remember to go through the back doors, right? That's where it's set up on the beach," he explained.

"Yes, I remember from rehearsal," I slightly laughed.

"Sorry, I guess I'm kind of nervous. This is such a big deal being in my best friend's wedding."

"It's okay. I would be nervous too. Actually I am nervous. All eyes are going to be on me." I almost laughed again.

"Oh, don't be nervous! You look absolutely stunning! Leo's going to be speechless when he sees you," Kate cut in.

"That's why I'm nervous. He hasn't seen me in my wedding dress yet, and now it actually feels real. It's been a dream for so long."

"Well, don't worry. I'll be there to help you through your dream. If you get too anxious I'll be right next to you at the flower archway. I am your maid of honor after all."

"You didn't throw me a bachelorette party."

"Why would you need one when you have Leo? No stripper could compare."

I almost laughed before composing myself, brushing the skirt of my dress down since it was a bit puffy. "I guess Leo didn't have a bachelor party either."

"He didn't want one. He said his whole life he's been surrounded by beautiful women, partying hard, but now that he's found you, he doesn't want to look at anyone else ever again," Tobey confessed.

My heart fluttered as I heard the music beginning to sound.

"Oh shit. I better get out there," Tobey muttered, hurrying from the building as Kate took my arm. She had to let go of it to glide down the aisle with Tobey, my dad soon the one holding onto me. Even though my mom was still skeptical about my relationship with Leo, I didn't care anymore. She would just have to learn to accept him in time. I felt those butterflies return when everyone stood as I stepped down the lacy white aisle with rose petals. When Leo turned to see me it was as though the entire world stopped. His ocean eyes just stared at me before he was able to produce a discreet smile. His hands were joined in front of him as he stood in his black suit and tie. I almost felt like running towards him, but I kept my calm composure, grasping his hands the minute we met. Eventually it was announced that I would be singing an original song that I wrote for Leo. It was a secret since I was planning on making it a new single. I took a deep breath as I balanced my acoustic guitar on my knee, playing on the bench they provided me with. It was about our love and little moments that I didn't mind sharing with the world. I tilted my head back as I sang about the first time we met, and how symbolic the message in a bottle was. When I finished there wasn't a dry eye in the audience of our friends and family, even my mom looking a bit moved. Leo was wiping his thumbs below his eyes as he shot me a warm smile, pecking my lips as soon as I came over. My fingers were trembling as we prepared for our vows, but Leo surprised me with a few from his own words.

"Willow, before I start, I want you to know that you don't have to feel obligated to say your own vows. I feel like I already saw them in your original letter to me, which was in a bottle. They were what made me realize that I loved you. Maybe our love story didn't start out with love at first sight, but somehow I always knew you were special, that our connection wasn't the same as the ones in my past. So, I've written even more words for you in this bottle, and whenever you're ready, you can read them. I love you with all of my heart."

I wanted to cry as he gave me the clear, glass bottle, almost scared I would drop it from the strong emotions. Kate carefully took it to put it aside, and in a flash Leo and I were kissing before greeting everyone along the aisle. I couldn't stop smiling as we enjoyed our cake at the long table, the sunset beyond beautiful on the ocean. I leaned my head against Leo's shoulder, my lipstick now a little faded and my stomach full.

"This has been better than I ever dreamed my wedding could be. You're the reason. I love you with all of my heart too," I spoke, responding late to his vows.

"Hey, Leo, your mom wanted to say goodbye to you. She has to leave early, since it's a long drive for her home," Tobey whispered to Leo, only loud enough for us to hear.

"Okay. I'll be right back, Willow," Leo promised, standing as he rejoined his suit together that had opened.

"Okay," I weakly smiled, sneaking the message in a bottle from under the table to my lap. I decided to read it already, fighting with pulling the piece of paper out. I bit my lower lip as I smiled uncontrollably, the message short yet perfect.

It was a response to my original words from my own message in a bottle of, "You are my everything and you have saved me, even if you were never my Jack Dawson."

Leo's response was written neatly as, "I was always your Jack Dawson, because you ended up being my Rose. I will always love you."

A/N: Hey guys, not me getting emotional at the end of this chapter. It's actually the last one. It made it really special writing it, since I'm literally watching Titanic on one of my free streaming channels at the same time. I hope you enjoyed reading this story. All of the votes and nice comments mean so much! I've loved writing about Leo and Willow's relationship. <3 <3 <3

Message in a Bottle || Leonardo DiCaprioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora