Chapter 10: Family Christmas

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"I can't believe you've never seen It's a Wonderful Life. It's a classic," Leo spoke as we got cozy together on the couch.

"I've never seen this movie either we're about to see."

His jaw almost dropped as he looked at me amused. "Seriously? You've never seen Home Alone."

"Nope, or How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey."

"Okay, you need to see those movies. I have them all on my holiday shelf over there," he pointed out. I padded over there as I scanned the titles. "I've never seen Miracle on 34th Street either. I forgot it was a classic."

"Come here," he gently said, me falling next to his side. "We are going to watch all of those movies before Christmas."

"Okay. Do you have Elf?" He gave me a look before I fell into a fit of giggles. "I'm just kidding. I've seen that movie so many times I'm tired of it! But I still love to watch it every year."

"Good," he lowly chuckled, kissing my temple as I snuggled further against him. As the film started I could already tell it was written well, getting engrossed in the storyline so much that I forgot where I was. When the credits finally rolled I had my arms securely around Leo, him stroking my hair soothingly.

"Well, I better go to bed, or I'll fall asleep on the couch." I prevented myself from giggling again as the drowsiness overtook me.

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired too. Do you want me to turn off the lights or leave them on all night? It's solar power generated, so it doesn't hurt the environment."

"You can leave them on," I softly smiled. "If I need a glass of milk in the middle of the night, I love having them lit up on the banister."

"When have you ever gotten a glass of milk then?" He gave me an amused expression as I shook my head.

"Oh shush. Um... are you sure it's okay my family's coming here for Christmas?"

"Of course. I'd like to meet them," he warmly smiled, stealing a kiss that made my lips tingle. I jumped a bit when his phone went off. He effortlessly answered it as I stood to admire the ornaments on our Disney tree. "Hello? Yeah, this is Leonardo DiCaprio. Of course, that's fine. Just drop it off anytime tomorrow. Okay. Bye."

"What was that about," I wondered.

"Just something about me leaving one of my things on the yacht during my last party in St. Tropez. The owner had been so busy, that he just now got around to calling me."

"Oh. Well, that's good you're getting it back." I gave him a nice smile before ascending the staircase. "Goodnight, Leo!"

"Goodnight, Willow," he called back, just then standing from the sofa.

The next few weeks were spent celebrating Christmas as much as possible, and also how my album had a release date now. Finally the big holiday had arrived, and Irmelin was carefully fixing my hair as we waited for my family to show.

"I'm so glad we finally got to meet," I confessed.

"Me too. I can tell that my son is crazy about you."

I blushed a tiny bit just as my parents arrived, my mom seeming a bit skeptical the minute she passed over the threshold.

"I don't see why you had to move in with him. I never would have tried to move in with a boy at your age," she went on as we stepped into the kitchen to create fresh punch.

My cheeks flushed as I caught a glimpse of Leo and my dad hitting it off. At least he wasn't so skeptical of my relationship.

"Have you two..."

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