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I jump, awakening in a dark silent room as the weight on my legs shifts heavily and emits a long low growl. It makes my heart stop, skin prickling all over, suddenly frightfully aware as I get my bearings and remember where I am and what the hell is lying on me. Pulse quickening as I groggily come to, a cold sweep of blood due to the abrupt manner I awoke in the eerie room, lacking any TV noises. The illumination of the city view is subtler than I would have expected and not casting a great deal of light at all.

His low grumble puts an instant fear of me God in me and I try to focus on him towering over me by pushing myself to half propped up and stare at the beast.

I must have fallen asleep with that movie and the TV has gone into standby and switched off. It's dark as hell, and it dawns on me as I look around to figure out what's happening the shades must be activated by light or a timer as they have all come down two-thirds of the way, so this room is almost completely pitch black. I have no clue what time it is.

Lync stands up over me, shifting closer protectively and seems to perch himself with a foot on each side of me. Even though I cannot make him out that well, I can sense he's facing the door and is listening intently. I sit up further to see what it is he can hear and then yelp in fright as that damn beast's lanky whip-like tail smacks me right in the mouth with a sudden violent wagging. Bitch slapped by the damn dog for God's sake.

It knocks me sideways and senseless for a moment and distracts me from my thumping heartbeat and trembling limbs. Cursing him out and rubbing my startled jawline as I push his arse away from me harshly.

'Arsehole.' I mutter at him grumpily. If anything, he woke me up fully and now all my senses are on high alert thanks to being dog smacked.

He completely changes in the blink of an eye, from silent and still predator into a yappy, excitable puppy that rolls over, jumps up and flies off the bed, all while making the most insane whimpering, barking noises that signal extreme excitement. The dog legs it, right out the room, pushing the door open and letting light flood through from the illuminated hallway beyond. I blink at the assault, eyes unable to focus as fast as his apparently do and then blink at the clock sat on the bedside table, trying to get my bearings. It's ten past midnight and it occurs to me it might be Alexi returning home and the stupid mutt can clearly tell.

I exhale with relief and slump back down into my mountain of cushions to await the appearance of my hunky bed companion, a smile spreading across my face and that warm glow of utter happiness at knowing he might be back.

I mean it's his weird as fuck pet. I'm sure it gets happy to hear him come back as he isn't here that often anymore. It's obviously Alexi.

Neglectful dick.

He'd better not shelve me in this apartment like he has done Lync and go off to spend nights in the club with some hoe. I'll rip his goddamn throat out and cut off his dick to feed to the damn dog. I bet Lync would probably enjoy a good bit of meat like that and I would definitely not regret doing it.

I lie and wait, expecting him to walk in at any moment and get mighty restless when after a full four minutes he's a no show. Staring at the dark blank ceiling and straining to listen to any sort of noise and get absolutely nothing at all.

Now I'm wondering who did, in fact, come in that set the dog off on euphoric wagging and slide out of bed to locate my robe to curb my 'need to know' agitated state. I pull my satin kimono from the cupboard by the light of the hall, blinking to adjust as I near it and pad out to head downstairs to see. Annoyed that if it's him, he hasn't bothered to come to tell me and yet apprehensive that maybe the dog is nuts and he just sees ghosts or imaginary friends sometimes.

The Carrero Contract - Finding Freedom (Book 3 of Contract Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now