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Exactly one hour to the second after he left the room he walks back in, looking a little stony-faced and unreadable. His mood appears frosty and he casts me a glance as I sit on the couch finishing up my lipstick. I pretend I'm not affected by his sudden appearance and don't react to him walking in. Focusing hard on just applying my signature red stain while holding a compact mirror.

Although, in reality, my heart skips a beat, my stomach sinks and I have to breathe very slowly to keep my calm at the sight of him. My hands tremble. I feel sick instantly and know that we are either going to fight or ... well, who am I kidding. We are probably just going to fight. I mean, how can we not?

I overreacted slightly—majorly. I can't undo that reaction and yet I'm still internally panicking like a freak and not able to even broach the M word yet.

I'm clean, dressed, made up and less 'ugh' after several aspirins and two bottles of water. I haven't eaten yet as my insides are still doing the washing machine cycle of a hangover program, but I feel more human. A little less psychotic.

Emotionally I'm still nowhere further forward other than in a state of 'was this all a dream' but his manner brings it all back to reality. Alexi is as closed off and prickly as when he left, and it just ruins my Zen that I have been struggling to maintain while doing my face.

I sat and stared at that certificate for the best part of 15 minutes and despite the crazy manic panic running through me, there was also incredible sadness for the most stupid things. A deep gut-wrenching regret that contradicted my reaction as a whole.

I will never know what it was like to have him propose. I will never have pre-wedding nerves or doubts, and I will never have a memory of marrying him if this pans out and we make a go of it. If I even can. I will never know the highs and lows that go with any of those things, nor experience the excitement or feelings of joy, the emotions ... any of it. I have nothing of that at all. I woke up married, like a clinical, manipulated manoeuvre, and it's left me hollow and broken in so many ways. Like a shock to the system and I'm still reeling in the aftermath.

Maybe if I had all of that, my gut instinct might have not been to freak out about being locked up for life in a dark hole and abused till the end of time. If I had some control, some say, made a choice and had a memory of wanting it ... then, maybe.

Yeah, the idiotic things that invaded my brain while tearing my hair out over my unexpected marriage to a dickhead.

Instead, I can't stop obsessing over this overwhelming claustrophobia of being someone's possession. It's leaving a sour taste in my mouth, and even having time to really examine it and talk some sense into myself, I can't shift that terror of being owned. A deep scar from past lives that have no bearing on how he feels about me, yet it changes everything.

I feel insecure, frightened about the future. My peace of mind and contentment he helped nurture, has gone.

I lost all of that in one drunken haze that ended with very wild sex, and lots of it judging by the mess of lube and champagne all over the sheets when I went looking for my bracelet.

I woke up shackled. A name on a piece of paper binding me to my master. Contained, entrapping me for life.

I push that aside, knowing I'm being irrational, and I just need to let this settle for a while. Get used to it and stop letting those inner fears and scars cloud over reality and twist my brain into seeing worse than is there. Focus on other things.


Like, what kind of sex we had in here last night.

Lube is new for us, so I'm guessing I got kinky and wanted anal. I have been known to like it occasionally, when I feel dominant, kinky, and get on top to do it for myself, and drunken sex with Lexi I can imagine he was very open to something like that. He doesn't seem like a guy who wouldn't be into adventurous sex given past performances, and it explains why even back there is tender. He's not a small boy, I might have to sit on a doughnut for a week.

The Carrero Contract - Finding Freedom (Book 3 of Contract Trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang