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Soon as we get out the door Mico flanks me on one side with Alexi on the other and we are instantly surrounded by more Carrero security. Like a black wall that's impenetrable and offers instant calm to my frazzled brain. Guiding us efficiently and shielding us from all angles. Overkill, but I guess I'm thankful for it.

"What about the rest of her outfit?" Alexi asks as we walk briskly out of the building, the first to leave, but I can already hear chairs scraping as others depart, now we have. Some of them eager to walk away now they've found a resolution to this debacle.

It's weird how something that hung over us for months is tied up with a bow in one very brief sitting. I can't get my head around the fact the threat is gone, and I no longer need to live under house arrest for any reason. A sudden lightness to my mood as the heavy weight of burden is lifted.

"Most departed as soon as they heard their source of income was about to be put down. No one is loyal when they're hired hands. Santagato's men have already taken down anyone true to her. We stayed back and watched, exactly like you said. No Carrero laid hands on any of them, nothing comes back to us." Mico touches his earpiece and mutters something under his breath for his men's ears only. Stalling so he falls behind us slightly and I try to just continue with my graceful, poised walk out of this miserable place.

I slide my arm in Alexi's, needing him to be more normal for me right now, aching for his touch as my heart rate still pounds erratically through my body, silently clinging on, but he continues talking. Too aware that we are on show and he can't let that mask drop just yet, not even for me while in public.

"Good. I'll call my father and tell him it's done. He can inform the family that Santagato chose his own repay. Carrero didn't issue any orders. Can't be pissed if I didn't disobey them." He sounds smug, satisfied with the hand he played, and somehow miraculously got the outcome he wanted all along—clever bastard.

Even I have to admit that's probably a smart way around it.

"An eventful weekend all round." Mico reappears by my side with a smile on his face and Alexi smiles too, glancing my way with a loaded look. Understatement of the century.

I don't know how to feel if I'm being honest. I just gave the final command to end that woman's life and I should feel something. Maybe guilt or regret but there is an empty black hole in my gut, and I feel like I'm disconnected to my surroundings now we are no longer in that room. Stuck in a dreamlike haze. Maybe because I spent my life dissociating with horrible things, so it's like second nature and I can just shrug it off and leave it behind me. Maybe this is how Alexi deals with shit. He's normalised trauma and heinous acts and can drop them by the door as he walks away like an unwanted sack of rubble.

I feel out of whack and jump when Alexi's hand slides across my back and snaps me back to reality. I realise we are out on the street, standing at the car door, and he is trying to guide me inside away from prying eyes. I have turned zombie on him and shivering with the after-effects of that room. Mental state deteriorating a tad.

"Just hold it in for a few more minutes until we are out of sight, and earshot." He whispers huskily in my ear, kissing me on my temple to hide his rushed prompt. I bite on my bottom lip, get in the car while holding onto his arm and slide across to let him in quickly. He follows suit, gets in and immediately pulls out his phone and looks down to type. Staying in role and I try to not rush over to throw myself at him despite needing to so badly. I'm folding in on myself internally and I need my rock and anchor to help me get my head back on track. I need my gentle Lexi, not this Mafia boss beside me.

I catch a glimpse of men in the hoards departing the building, splitting into cars and just keep my eyes forward on the road, face tight and emotions in check. We are still on show which I guess is why Alexi is not touching me a lot. They would see it as weak or odd for him to be tenderly mollycoddling me after that little scene. These are men who deal with far worse, so if he is seen tending to my fragile self after something so minor, it would prove I don't have the constitution for this life, and he's going soft.

The Carrero Contract - Finding Freedom (Book 3 of Contract Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora