Chapter 29

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So someone asked me who Oliver is in real life, like what celebrity plays him, and I've been trying to decide on that ever since the beginning of this story. Right now I can't decide between Josh Hutcherson and Logan Lerman(the version of him like four years ago with longer hair). (Look at the picture on the side or above or where ever the hell it is lol) So please give me your opinion if you have one. I'm leaning more toward Joshie Poo!! (It'll probably end up being him)


"We need to get out of here." Louis pointed out. "Now."

I couldn't agree more, but my legs were rooted to the spot as I tried to believe my own ears. Zayn's eyes never wavered from me as he bore holes into my head.

"Come on Kali, snap out of it. We need to go." Oliver joined in and was even able to shakily stand to his feet on is own. He gripped his stomach and groaned.

I really should've listened to them, but I had a question for Zayn, "If you're so bitter at my father for...doing that to your mom, then why do you want to do the same thing to me? You know how awful it is."

It seemed that everything that came out of Zayn's mouth was poison, "I swore to my father that I would get revenge, and that's exactly what I'm doing. Do you know how old I was when this happened? I was nine. I was a child and I had to deal with all that adult shit. You were five and I wanted to wait until you were older before I ruined you."

"But my father would never do something like that. You have to be lying!" I persisted.

"I'll be right back Kali." I vaguely heard Louis whisper in my ear, but I wasn't paying attention.

"Your father did do it. The whole thing somehow managed to be caught on tape, would you like me to show it to you?" Zayn snapped with hostility.

"No! I don't want to have anything to do with you!" I cried. "My father never raped your mom, and you won't ever get the chance to 'get your revenge.'"

"It's pointless arguing with you sweetheart." He grumbled, "You'll only ever believe me when I have your naked body writhing beneath me."

"Shut up!" I shrieked, "Just shut up!"

"Okay, I think its time to get out of here. Move it, Malik." Robert Parkington said and pushed the newly revealed Atlas toward the door.

I felt tears sting my eyes. I couldn't believe that my father would do such a thing. But then again, I hardly knew my father at all. I couldn't stop the stream of hot tears that started falling from my eyes.

"Holy crap!" Oliver exclaimed and suddenly he was pushing me down to the floor just before a shower of bullets rained through the broken window, peppering the far wall with holes. "Atlas''s men no doubt."

"Come on, we'll have to go out the back." I sniveled and took Oliver's arm to help him up. Turning to Robert who had Zayn in a death grip, I commanded, "Whatever you do, do not let him go."

"Believe me lass, I won't. You have know idea what he's put my family through. I'm going to make his life miserable." The older man announced while shoving Zayn toward the door on his hands and knees. With is hands bound behind his back, he was having a difficult time. The gunshots dwindled, and I hoped Atlas's men weren't heading toward the house. "Don't let your heads rise too high or they'll be blown off." Robert warned.

Oliver was struggling to walk on his hand and knees, so I had to help him along. "Where is Louis?" I suddenly cried in a panic.

"He left a minute ago." Oliver informed me.

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