Chapter two

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~~Y/N Pov~~

I reached the house, looking -me- completely a mess, there is no way that they are gonna ignore that, with the addition of me being late at home on my first day, I am really scared about what gonna happen next

Hesitantly, I put my hand on the doorknob then cracked it open, I peeked inside the house, the hallway was empty, I sight in relife 'maybe they didn't notice' however, I still doubt that they didn't, they always notice every mistake I made, no matter how much small was it

I walked inside and closed the door behind me, I glanced at the clock, it was 1:46pm, I am late by 6 minutes, maybe they really didn't notice...

I climbed to the second floor then to the bathroom, I washed my face then I dry it with a towel, I went to my room and change into one of the shabby dresses I have, it was kind of hard because of the new marks I got, thanks for the what?

Maybe parents would want me to prepare them lunch, so I better start before they call me an irresponsible lazy bitch

I went out of my room, downstairs then to the kitchen, I washed my hands then started preparing one of the meals they like to have, I learned how to cock long time ago, mother helped me with it, I even have a permanent scar as a proof

I snorted at the thought, that was when I heard footsteps behind me causing me to freeze in my place

"What are you doing?" My mother voice talked behind me

I turned to face her, but I avoided eye contact "preparing lunch for you, ma'am"

She hummed in response, then she pulled a chair was next to the table behind her and sat on it

"So you think that preparing lunch will make us forget about the fact that you were late, huh?"

I flinched and couldn't find a response "I..."

"No need to answer, I am not in the mood to abuse you yet, you better be grateful"

"..Yes ma'am" I said clutching to my skirt

~~Time Skip~~

It was 12:58am, parents are sleeping now, I sneaked to my room and grabbed some warm clothes and put them on, yeah I wasn't allowed to wear them in house but, how would they know?

I smirked then gathered my homework, then I went outside, to the backside of the house, there is a ladder, I climbed it to the rooftop of the house, where I can find calmness, and a good amount of light by the stars and the moon to study

Now, why won't I study in the daytime, simple, my parents don't want me to, trust me, I I wait for them to sleep so I can come here and study, I am doing that for about 10 years now and I bet they don't even know how am I still passing all the exams, this routine might be a little difficult to handle since I got only 3~1 hours of sleep, sometime I can't even sleep

I can feel the cold breeze of winter in my face while skimming a few paragraphs of the physics book, being thankful for wearing the warm clothes I choose, or else, I won't be able to understand a word of what I am reading

Talking about warmness, that monster I bumped into accidentally, his hand was very warm, and it wasn't because of his fingerless gloves, nope, the warmness he had was very comforting, I wasn't able to make contact with him only for secondes, but I still can feel his warmness

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