Chpater eight

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~~Y/N Pov~~

"So the ptyalin enzyme help in breaking down the starch and....ughhhh" I groaned and almost throw the book away "who cares about what ptyalin can do!"

It was  2 am, and I was on the roof studying, I finished my homework quickly since it's the last week of this semester, homework isn't that hard, so I have a lot of extra time that I use to prepare myself for the exams

I usually don't have a big problem with studying but for a reason, today was different, I was very bored and didn't want to study, maybe a day off wouldn't harm me?

"I really need something for entertainment" I mumbled in a hearable voice

"Like me?" A familiar voice replied from the direction of the ladder

I turned to it, and it was no one but Dream "Dream?! What are you doing here? And how did you find my house?!"

He came and sat beside me, leaving a small gap between us, he looked at me and talked:
"I told you today, I want to get to know you, and since I know you study on the roof after midnight, I thought that I can drop a visit, also, Monika told me where is your house"

"Wow, she really has told you everything...if it wasn't you, I would be mad" I joked

"Sorry" he nervously said rubbing the back of his neck "so what were you doing?" He asked changing the subject

"I was supposed to be studying"

"So, did I interrupt you? Should I leave?"

"No! fact, I just can't study, I am bored"

"Why? Is the subject hard?"

"Not really, actually it's not my first time to study it, but I still don't feel like to study"

"Hummm" he hummed holding his chin between his index and thumb "what if we studied together? I always wanted to go to a school but my work as a guardian prevented me"

"I think I can give that a try.."

"Perfect! Where is the book?"

"Here" I handed him the book

He reread the lines I was reading before he came, and he looked very confused "Y/N what is ptyalin?"

I smiled "it's an enzyme found in the saliva and it helps in the digestion of the food, especially carbohydrates"

"What is it the food digestion..." he asked tilting his head, god he looked like a 5 y.o and he was so adorable

I explained to him what is digestion and how it works, he kept asking questions after every few lines of mine, and I was happy to explain to him everything that he couldn't understand

"So that's how human feeding works" he mumbled

"Yeah, I know it's a bit difficult but I tried to explain"

"Yes it is! But it looked like cutting a piece of cake for you! You are such a genius"

I giggled "thanks for the compliment"

In fact, I finished what I was supposed to study today, all because of him

"It's getting 3 and a half, you better go and get some sleep" Dream said as he stood up, I couldn't feel the time honestly "I should go too, bye" he waved

I was hesitating, should I ask him...? A concerned look formed on his face, he felt my negative aura

"Are you ok?" He sat back beside me putting a hand on my back in term of comfort

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