Chapter three

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~~Y/N Pov~~

The group of bullies went back from where they came from, like if they don't want to try drugs anymore or mess with the cute warm skeleton, I watched them as they leave, the skeleton looked at me and spoke

"I am sorry I should have done something before he do what he did, I knew you were uncomfortable but I thought that it would be better if I didn't disturb anything" he then looked down ashamed of himself

"N-no it's fine...really...thanks for saving could you do it anyway?"

He smiled and looked back at me "I used my teleportation magic, I can show you if you want"

I am already late at home so.. "yeah, show me"

"Ok so, take my hand and close your eyes, you maybe will feel dizziness so be careful" he said offering me a hand

I smiled and took it, I closed my eyes as he told me to, then I felt dizziness as he said, but it's not such a big deal to me since I have a strong resistance skills, thanks to parents

"Ok now open your eyes" he said as he let go of my hand

I opened my eyes and yup, we were in a literally different area, I- I couldn't recognize the place, but it maybe looked like a park? Green grass, trees, paved roads for people to walk on and benches

"Where are we?"

He looked shocked with the question but he then put both of his hands in front of him saying "don't worry, I didn't take you so far"

He then put his hands down "it's only 2 streets far from the street we were in"

Now he is rubbing the back of his skull looking aside shamed a little "I thought you knew the place so I chose it, sorry"

I can't blame him, if it was that close then everyone would think I know it, but sadly I am not really allowed to leave the house only for school "it's ok, I don't blame you-" I paused not knowing his name

"Dream, that's my name if that what made you pause" he giggled and my cheeks heat up with embarrassment

"Y-you don't know my name too!" I said crossing my arms

"Yeah you didn't tell me yours" he looked aside nervously, mostly ashamed or something, I don't know why is he the one who is embarrassed when it supposed to be me

"It's Y-Y/N" I said now fiddling with my fingers and looking down

He looked back at me with a smile "It's a nice name Y/N"

My cheeks heat up, 'it's the first time someone compliments me'

"Th-thanks" I said feeling more nervous, it's obviously because I am not used to such social communication

"Well, let's go set down" he said pointing at a bench nearby


"Come on Y/N don't be shy, we can't befriend each other if you didn't open up to me"

I raised my gaze to look at him, he was looking at me with a warm smile...wait did he say 'befriend'? Does that mean he wants to be my...friend?

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