Chapter four

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~~Y/N Pov~~

I sight and put my hand over the doorknob, I was standing here for almost 5 minutes shaking, there is no way I can run of the punishment this time..

Now or never Y/N

I opened the door still shaking and shut it behind me, I heard rushing footsteps from the kitchen to show the angry figure of my mother that pinned me to the wall

"Do you know what the time???" She said not hiding an atom of her madness

I took a glance at the clock and it was 2:30 'I was late for 50 minutes..'

She chuckled at my scared face that I didn't realize I made

"If I didn't know you well, I would think you tried to run or tell the, where you were?" She said knitting her brows

I can't tell her that I went to the park with some magical alive skeleton- so I can lie at her, I won't feel regret doing that lol

" of the g-girls in my class, sh-she forced me to come with her t-to the stores.." that looked easier in my mind-

She tapped her finger on the wall behind me then smile, she cupped my cheek and wiped it with her thumb "why don't you go and change, then we will talk about it?" I nod, both of us know that we are not going to talk ...

She made me space so I can go upstairs and change, shaking me, managed to change into the clean grey dress she got, it took me a while but I was able to do it

I walked downstairs then to the kitchen where my mother was waiting for me to talk, she was sitting on a chair, she noticed me and gestured to me to come over, I did

She pointed on a chair was in front of her's, I sat on it

She took my hand with her, with her forefinger, she draws a line on the side of my arm, she repeated that few times, before she pull a knife was on the table

(AN: the next 3 paragraphes contain a slight mention of abusing, just saying • ◡ •)

She jabbed on the same line she draw a moment ago, she jabbed it over and over, pressing the knife farther to my flesh, I kept silent biting my lower lip and forcing myself to not scream ar tear up

I was about to pass out because of the insufficiency of food, water and the blood I'm losing now, mother seemed to less care about that, cause she kept doing what she was doing

She put the knife aside as she smirked at her piece of art, she wiped some of the blood that was running from the wound she made, then she stared at it and smile

She stroked my hair with her fingers and  "now, you will learn your lesson and never do it again" she pulled my hair very hard "or else, I won't get enough by causing only a scar, understood?"

"Y-yes" I said having the urge to cry as my blood covered the dress and the ground

"Great" she let go of my hair "now, bandage the wound to not spot the floor with your dirty blood, after that make sure to clean the mess you made" with that, she left

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