Chapter Twenty-Three

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AN: DAMN IM SO SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE FOR MORE THAN 2 WEEKS- ITS JUST- these two weeks were so hard on me, mentally and physically, so i didnt really had the time or the motivation to write, im so sorry, i hope it wont happen again🙏

~~Y/N Pov~~

I was sitting on the couch watching a battle between a robot and a child on the tv, I don't get what's going on but it looks like the child is slaying, let's just wish it's an act

Fell was getting out of the kitchen with a bottle of mustard "Y/N" he called


"I will be out, if you needed anything" he handed me a cellphone "just give me a call"

I mentally blushed 'I don't know how to use a cellphone! I have never owned one! Never used one before! How am I supposed to call him?!' I thought

"Is everything ok, kid?" He said raising a brow, he must notice my silence and thought something was wrong

"Uhm- yes! Everything is ok!" I will deal with it myself-

He just shrugged and left the house, I examined the cellphone, 'how am I supposed to unlock this?!' I thought while looking at some buttons on the side 'I remember Monika used to press something similar?' I pressed one of them and the phone screen glowed

I smiled proudly, but I was disappointed not so long later, the screen turned dark again! Did I break it or something?! I pressed the same button, and the same thing happened, I started to get mad, did Fell play a prank on me or something?!

I pressed it again swearing to myself it would be the last time, and that was when I noticed a sentence written on the screen

"Swipe to open" I spoke out loud, I tilted my head, like, I should swipe the screen? How? I remembered Monika using her fingers when she used to use her phone

So I swiped the screen using my index, the screen changed and there were multiple small boxes, there was a one with a yellow flower and blue background, -gallery- was written under the box, I pressed it with curiosity, the screen changed into something new, a black screen with small boxes but with Fell's pictures on them

I pressed on one of them, it was a picture of Fell smirking making the peace sign while sitting on -what I can tell- the bar I met him in

I blinked 'now how am I supposed to...uhh, leave?' I kept staring at the screen looking for a way, thats when I noticed three buttons on the lower part of the screen, a square in the middle, a triangle on the right, and three lines on the left

The triangle looked like a -back- button to me, so I decided to press it, I smirked when it turned out I was right, I wanted to press it again but I saw a picture of someone I couldn't recognize, I wanted a closer look so I pressed on it, it was a picture of another edgy skeleton glaring, 'is he supposed to look bad or something?' I thought as I mentally laughed, I noticed that he was wearing a red scarf, the same one Red gave me, at that moment, I realized that this guy is no one but Papyrus

I wanted more pictures for him so I backed and started looking for more, I learned that if I scrolled down, more pictures will appear, and I learned swiping will transport me from one picture to another, and I found so many pictures of him, between each 5~3 pictures there is a one for Fell

I reached a pic of his back turned to the counter while he was wearing a purple approan, I didn't understand the meaning of the picture, then I saw a small word written under it -play video- I pressed it then the picture started moving with sound

It started when someone -I can tell he is Fell- was walking to the kitchen, then he stood next to Papyrus who was humming while making what I can tell a sauce, Papyrus noticed the camera faced him and rose a brow

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