Chapter Twenty-Five

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~~Y/N Pov~~

The days after we left UnderFell, were full of events, not for me though, but for Dream and his 2 friends who called themselves the -Star Sanses-

Dream spent his days with one boring routine, from training to save the universes to working on people's positivity, we don't have the time to hang out only at the end of the day when he is tired, we chat a little before he sleeps to wake up and repeat everything

I never complained, I know it's his job and I know how much it does mean to him, especially since he feels that it's his fault, he never told me that, but I knew that, even if he didn't admit it, I knew that deep down somewhere he felt that way, and the worst part is that I can do nothing about it

I always try to make him feel better by reminding him of every good thing he has done for me, sometimes at night and some other times I send him messages from the phone Fell gave me, I also talk with Fell sometimes, he said that his world reset again and in this time the -kid- as he called them, are being neutral, he said that he doesn't care as long as Papyrus is alive

My day is completely boring, I just walk around the house until Dream is finally done with his work, even though I am totally accepting his loyalness to his job, I really miss being with him, to chat and laugh for hours, as we used to do, is that going to happen again? Is my friendship with Dream won't be the same as it was? I am really scared of that, especially since I still have feelings for him, I am very anxious about it..

~~Dream Pov~~

Days were going by, each by each, all the same, but I did not regret anything, training is quite difficult sometimes but I get used to it, helping people and spreading positivity is my job in the first place

but despite everything, I miss her, I miss her every second, everything reminds me of her and I can't wait for the day to end so I can go to see her, I know that she misses me too, and it makes me happy to know she feel the same, but however, it still so dangerous to ask her to be with her, after all, I am dealing with my brother now, and I can't take a risk of my brother figuring out, who knows what he would do?

~~3rd person Pov~~

Y/N was chatting with Blue who come to visit, he was telling her about his day while they were having cinnamon buns that he brought from his universe, Y/N admired the flavour and believed her taste buds were never so amused

Suddenly a golden portal appeared in the middle of the room and Dream came out, it wasn't the regular time so Y/N was a bit shocked to see him, he is 2 hours early

Dream waved "Hi!" He cheered and sat next to them smiling as usual with his usual warm positive aura that Y/N adored, she couldn't help but smile

"Well, Hello Dream! How Was Your Day?" Blue exclaimed

"It was exhausting as usual, helping people here and there, Sci needed my help in one of his projects, I dropped GzTale a visit too, because I felt a depression aura coming from it, I stayed there for hours then decided to come back"

"You Work Really Hard, Dream! I, The Magnificent Sans Appreciate The Effort You Put On Helping Others"

Dream giggled "thanks Blue"

"Now I May Go To Let Yoy Rest, See You Tomorrow" he waved and Dream waved back, then he opened a portal for him to go, the portal disappeared as Blue went through it

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