Chapter Twenty-Four

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~~Y/N Pov~~

Fell was out -as usual-, I was spending some time on the undernet, that's what Sans called it, he said it's something I can find everything I want on, he isn't the best when it came to explaining something, but I think I get the point

As I was scrolling, I heard Sans's door crack open, he sometimes teleports to his room instead of walking the way home so I wasn't very surprised, but he is earlier than any day today

"Did something happen in the town? Why are you early?" I said while watching how to make a phone charger using glamburger

"Uhmm, I don't know?" A familiar voice answered yet it doesn't belong to Fell, I put the phone down and looked from where the voice came from

"Ink!!!" I shouted standing up, he was standing there leaning forward on the frame of the stairs scratching the back of his skull having a confused face

"What happened?" He said walking downstairs as I went up to help him, I lead him to the couch and I helped him to sit down, I quickly ran to the kitchen and grab a cup of water and ran back to give it to him

He gulped it and placed it on the coffee table and sight "now tell me, where are we and what happened?"

"It's a long story" I explained everything to him as he listened, however, it was hard to explain it, he space out every few seconds and I got to repeat everything from point zero as he also forgets easily and too much

" are saying that after the three of us lost the battle, Fell sheltered us in his house?" He said clapping his gloved hands together rising a bony brow with a questioning face and orange pupils

"Exactly!" I said with annoyance in my voice, but he seemed to less care about it as he nod humming

I decided to get straight to the point "can you take us back home?!" Don't get me wrong, Fell is a very good person and I am very glad to know him, but the place is just so scary and I don't think I can stay here for another week or so

"Oh, about that" he scratched under his skull looking aside, then cleared his throat and looked back at me "I can't open a portal yet, I don't have enough magic to"

My eyes widen and I tried to hide my madness, so I faked a smile and sight "and when will you recover?"

He tapped on his chin continuously for a few seconds until he stopped "in one hundred and five minutes"

I blinked "paradon?" Came out of my mouth instantly

"What? Don't tell me you don't know how time works!" He exclaimed

'I bet you are the one who doesn't know' I thought but didn't say, "of course I know! I was one of the first three in my town!" The way he underestimate me was enough to make me madder, let's not forget to mention my relationship with him is already tensed a bit, in short, we don't like each other

"Then how don't you know what one hundred and five minutes mean!!" He exclaimed once again, stubborn can be heard in his tone

I thought about it for a moment "you mean an hour and 45 minutes! Are you a psycho or something?!"

He crossed his arms leaning back to the couch "they are the same"

I can't complain, they are the same, but it's still not a normal way to tell time, I decided to copy his poes frowning "fine"

Looking For You (Dream x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin