Chapter Twenty-Seven

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~~3rd person Pov~~

Blue ran back to meet up with Y/N, he forgot he had training with Alphys that day because he was too excited to show her his universe, but when he reached the place he wished what he saw was some sort of illusion, his eye lights shrunk and his body trembled at the sight of the monster dust he saw, it wasn't any dust, it was his brother's, he knew it, he felt it, and also because of the orange hoodie next to it

He stumbled to reach it, his eyes doesn't want to believe it, he sat next to it, he realized that there is no other explanation, he wished it was one of Papy's stupid pranks, but that wasn't a type of prank Papyrus would commit

His eyes started to water as he clutched his fists into the hoodie, he didn't want to let it go, it was the last thing he has from his brother, who killed him anyway? All of the monsters like Papyrus, he don't have enemies and he knows Chara won't kill him, then who did it?

Then it hit him, where is Y/N? Could she be the one who killed Papyrus? No way, Y/N isn't bad, is she? He shook his head to let the thought go away, Y/N would never do it, then w h o  d i d   i t?

He wiped his tears harshly, he sniffed and rise from his place, he know how to fix it, but first, there is a place he needs to visit, I mean, who else has cameras everywhere around the underground? He needed to know the truth, he held Papyrus's hoodie and tie it around his waist, he slowly inhaled some air then exhaled it

In a few minutes he reached Undyne's lab, he sight and knock on the door, nobody opened, he knocked again, and still nobody, he was about to knock again but he heard a noise from the other side then Undyne's voice "C-coming" in few seconds the door was open, the fish lady looked exhausted, Blue knew she worked for a late hour yesterday and probably she was sleeping on her desk

"Hello Undyne!" Said Blue "H-Hello" she waved and step aside to let him in, he did and she shut the door behind him, she yawned and followed Blue with sleepy eyes "S-so, what br-brought you here?" She said

"I need your cameras to see something" he replied, she didn't expect to hear that, her eyes were open properly as she said "why do you need them?"

"I...someone hurt my brother and I want to know who" he couldn't say the word -kill- for a reason, Undyne noticed the change in his expression and the hoodie around his waist, she get the point and smiled "a-alright, Where was that a-and when?"

He told her the details and she opened the old files of the camera records at that time, he watched carefully, he didn't know when it exactly happened so he started since he left Papyrus and Y/N alone, Undyne went to get herself a cup of coffee and left Blue watching alone, then he saw him, Killer, but he was alone, no one of the gangs was with him, he watched as Killer and Papyrus fought "who i-is that?!" Said Undyne from behind Blue, he just ignored her and kept watching, he wants to know where did Y/N go, he gets angry when he saw that Killer kidnapped the girl

He quickly left the lab looking for Chara, and when he found them, he screamed at them to reset, they were confused, they asked him why and he told her the reason is because of Papyrus's death, they gladly reset and Blue was in his home again with Papyrus sitting on the couch

"Pappy!" Said Blue and hugged his brother, "it was my fault, if only I didn't forget about the training..." he started to cry, Papyrus patted his head "It's ok bro, I am fine, see?"

"B-but Y/N...Killer gets her" he sobbed "what am I going to tell Dream?"

Papyrus thought for a moment before sighing "it's ok, we will find a solution, call your friends and tell them about the situation"

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