chapter five

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~~3rd person Pov~~

Monika watched as Y/N take the way to her house, she didn't talk with her about the scar she saw today, but that doesn't mean she wasn't concerned about her dear friend

She couldn't think about anything else except for her friend mental and physical health, she thought 'was the bully she was going through made her hurt herself that way? Was it my fault?' She couldn't know the truth

'Maybe I just need some fresh air' she thought again as she sight, then take the way to the nearest park in the city

She arrived after about ten minutes, she inhaled amount of the air, then exhaled it slowly, she walk in and choose to set on the grass even though it will soil her clothes, but she didn't really care

She looked around, the park was almost empty, not a lot of people were around, nobody come here in such time, and that was perfect, looking around, she glimpses the familiar face of the golden skeleton that she told by Y/N his name was Dream sitting on a bench, Y/N told her that they didn't talk only once

Monika wanted to meet him and thank him, because of him, she changed into a better person, the person she is being right now

However, she found herself very nervous to go and talk to him, the same feeling she had before she talk to Y/N, that was because she was scared, what if he judge her for who she used to be? She will never know, only if she tried...she sight and hide her nervousness with that cool behaviour she got

She walked over to him and sat beside him, he didn't seem to mind her sitting there even though there are lots of other benches to set in, actually, he knows she was nervous, which made him know there was something she wanted to say

"Sup goldy" Monika said and waved her hand with a grin

He waved back "hey"

"Howzit going?" She said with the same grin

"Pretty good, what about you?"

"I am doing well" she cleared her throat and lean her back on the bench, that's going to be hard "I guess you don't remember me, do you?"

He blinked "I am sorry but I don't"

"I wished to not have to say that buuuut-...remember that day when you saved Y/N from a car accident?" She said trying very hard to hide how nervous she was for explaining such a situation

"Yeah I do" he rose a bony brow

"I...I was one of the bullies" she said fiddling with her fingers "but because of what happened that day, I changed and turned into a better person, so I wanted to thank you"

He smiled "glad to hear that, what about the others?"

She shook her head in a sign that they are still as bad as they used to be, or even maybe worse

"Oh..." he felt upset for seconds before turning to the girl beside him and ask "what is your name miss?"

"Monika, you are Dream I know that, Y/N told me" she smiled "me and Y/N are besties now tho"

"Really? How is she doing??" He said turning a bit excited about the subject, but Monika couldn't help but remember the scar again and feel so bad about it

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