chapter seven

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~~Y/N Pov~~

My eyelids danced up and down by the new sort of light I feel, what happened? Am I dead? I don't think so...I opened my eyes and glanced around with my iris

I was laying over a white comfortable mattress, and the room around me was white too, was it a hospital room? I don't know, I haven't been into a hospital or see a one

My eyes widened at the sight of the missing skeleton sitting on a chair beside the bed, he was staring at me with a warm smile, we shared eye contact for a moment before I blink

"D-Dream?!" I managed to speak but it wasn't the best idea, my throat was dry and I start coughing as I sat up

"Here" he handed me a cup of water, I took it and sipped some, then I put it back on a small table was beside the bed "thanks" I shyly said

"No problem"

Then...awkward silent

"Umm, w-what got you here...where are we anyway?" I asked

"It's the school infirmary, you passed out, remember? Monika called and I came as fast as I could" he then started rubbing the back of his vertebra "I know you asked me to ignore it but I was worried"

I opened my mouth to talk but the door slammed open and catch my attention instead, it was Monika, she run toward me and hugged me

"Girl! Ya scared the shit out of me! Don'tcha dare to do it again!"

I patted on her back "sorry"

She pulled away "Why didn'tcha tell me earlier?!"

"What do you mean?" I confusedly asked

She huffed "the nurse said that what happened was because of the lack of nutrition"

"Oh..." I mouthed "how much time I was sleeping?" I asked changing the subject

"2 hours" Monika replied

"2 WHAT?!" my mother is literally gonna kill me, I am panicked, I am supposed to be....but a sudden wave of calmness filled me, I was confused...what is that?

"Calm down Y/N, we called your parents and told them everything" Dream explained, "your mother said she will come to take you whenever you wake up"

A sight of relief escaped my lips as I lay back on the headboard still having that strange calm feeling...why is that?

"I will go call the nurse" Monika said then left

Another awkward silence full the place between me and Dream, I wanted to see him and I don't even know what I want to tell him! Great job Y/N! Wait...he said that Monika called h- HOW?!?!?

"Are you and Monika friends?!?!?" I asked

"Yeah, sorry for hiding it, I am the one who asked her not to tell you" he really apologize a lot

"Why was that?" I asked tilting my head

"I..thought you hated me for getting into your personal things" he sheepishly said looking at his lap, such a cutie-

"No Dream! I don't hate you! Not a bit! I actually was looking for you and...I want us to be are nice with me and all and I want to open up to you"

"Really?!" He looked at me with stars in his eyes and a big grin

"Y-yeah..." I said messing with the blanket

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