chapter fifteen

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So you’ve never seen this man before today?

After Jax ran out of the room after the guy, I waited in that room. I waited for what seemed like hours before the cops burst through the door. They pointed their guns at me and made sure the room was clear before leaving. Two stayed with me and got me out. Unser was waiting outside. His cheek was bruised like he was punched.

He put his arm around me and led me to his car. As I was getting in, I saw Clay and the others rushing to the caution tape that was around the building. Clay and I locked eyes for a moment. If looks could kill, he would be dead and buried.

Unser drove me to the hospital and I got all checked out to make sure I was okay. I kept insisting that I was fine, but no one was listening. Once that was over, Unser took me into a room with a long table and a lot of over- stuffed chairs around it. He pulled one out and helped me into it. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were shaking. I couldn’t even tell. He sat down across from me and let out a long sigh. He had a notebook in front of him and was taking a pen out of his shirt.

“I’ll make this as quick as I can. I just need you to tell me what happened.” He said.

I swallowed and tried to pull my thoughts together. What should I say? Should I tell him about Clay making Jax think I was a rat? Should I tell him that I was thinking about leaving Charming? I decided to leave all of that out and start from when the man came into the house.

“I was in the kitchen talking to Kip-“ He cut me off.

“The Prospect?” He asked.

I nodded and continued.

“Then Kip pushed me and a gun went off. A man had come in through the back door and was pointing a gun at me.”

“Have you ever seen him before?”

I shook my head. I didn’t even know his name.

“What next?” He asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

“He was going to kill me. He wanted to hurt Jax so he was going to kill me. I got scared and convinced him to take me with him instead.”

Unser stopped writing and looked at me.

“The kidnapping was your idea?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Yeah, well it was either that or die and I didn’t really want to die.” I said dryly.

Unser smirked a little and nodded for me to continue. I told him how he put me in the trunk and when he opened it back up, we were at the warehouse. I was still in the trunk when he killed the guards. He had the other one open it and let me out.

“How’d you get the bruise on your face?” He asked.

I raised my eyebrow and tilted my head.

“You first.” I said.

“Jax. He hit me then stole some S.W.A.T. gear.” He said.

I could see in his eyes there was more to it, but I let it go.

“The man made the guard hit me so I’d get out of the trunk.” I said.

He asked me if the man said anything while we waited for Jax. He didn’t. He just looked out the window and waited. The guard tried talking to him, but it just made him angry.

“What happened when Jax got inside?” Unser asked softly.

“The man let the guard go, then pistol whipped Jax. He said he was going to kill me in front of him to make him hurt and then he was going to kill Jax.”

On the Devil's Path {a SOA sequel}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt