Chapter nineteen

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Waking up in your own bed is probably the greatest feeling ever. Well, that and waking up in your own bed next to an amazingly beautiful woman. As I watched her, fast asleep wrapped in the sheets, I found myself smiling. After everything we've been through this past month or so, I couldn't believe that she was still beside me. But here she was; snoring softly and fidgeting to get the sun out of her eyes. I have never felt this much love for someone except for the first time I held Abel in my arms. No one, not even Tara has made me feel this way.

Carefully, I leaned over and pressed my lips to the top of her head. She rolled over and smiled sleepily at me.

"Good morning." She said.

I smiled and kissed her lips.

"Mornin' darlin'."

Her eyes roamed my face and down to my bandaged shoulder. She propped herself on her elbow and looked at me seriously.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

I kissed her again and tucked her hair behind her ear. I held back a chuckle as I did. She had incredible sex hair.

"I'm fine babe." I assure her.

With her free hand, she reaches up and lightly touches the bandage. Then she moved down to the purplish bruises along my side. A laugh rumbles in my throat and I catch her hand.

"That tickles." I say.

McKayla grins wickedly and starts to light brush her finger tips up and down my side. I laugh again and jump slightly. The sudden movement caused a flash of pain to run up my ribs. I winced and catch her arm. She gasped and sat up straight. The sheets fall down and she is sitting up in bed, naked.

"Jax, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" She says, alarmed.

I smile at her and bring her hand up to my lips and kiss it.

"I'm fine, relax." I tell her.

I kiss her hand again, slower this time. My eyes traveled up and down her exposed breasts. Mckayla chuckles and wiggles her hand out of mine.

"Didn't you get enough last night?" She asks playfully.

I lean down and start kissing her neck softly.

"I'll never get enough of you, babe."

She moans softly and I roll on top of her.

The party was in full swing. We decided after I got out of the hospital to push Abel's party back a few weeks. McKayla and Gemma did a fantastic job. They turned the whole back of the garage into a petting zoo. All of the guys came out, even some from other charters came down with their families to celebrate with us. Opie was behind a grill cooking up some burgers and hot dogs. I handed him a beer and we clinked them together.

"Great party, bro." He said as he flipped a burger.

I nodded and took a sip of my beer.

"Ya, if it's one thing my mom is good at it's throwing a party." I said.

He nodded and took a drink. I left him to cook and walked over to a picnic table. I sat with my back against it and watched McKayla with Abel. She had him balanced her hip and was letting him pet a horse. He was giggling and so was she. He was so happy with her. And she loved him like he was her own kid. Watching the two of them together, I realized this is what I wanted. This was my family. This was everything I needed.

Gemma walked over and sat down beside me. She lit a cigarette and handed me her pack.

"She's good with him." She said, letting out a puff of smoke.

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