chapter thirty - END

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a/n: here we are, the end at last. I know that I have been horrible at keeping up with this story and I feel so badly for that. I have drug this story out way longer than I should have but I think it's because I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready for it to be over. This story and the one before it have been a big part of my life and now that they're over, I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if I will continue writing here or not. I don't have the time like I used to to keep up with updating and I hate making all of you wonderful people wait for months at a time for a chapter update. Since I'm on the subject I want to sincerely thank each and every one of who that has stuck with me through the whole thing. I know it's literally been years since I started this story and you all have been there from the very beginning. You guys have been amazing. You don't know how much it truly means to me when I get a notification saying one of you voted, commented or added this story to your lists. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right. I love all of you and I really hope you like the ending and that it's enough for you. Please, like always, give me your feedback. I'm sorry this got a little wordy but I needed to get all of this out. I can't believe it's over! Xoxo, Melissa <3


This was how it was going to end for me. I never thought it would be like this, but I knew I wasn't going to survive. My stomach lurched and I gripped on to the toilet bowl for dear life.

"Take me now, Lord." I moaned as I felt the bile rise up my throat.

An awful stomach bug had wormed its way into me and for the last few weeks, it was slowly killing me. I felt my body heaving and braced myself for the soul wracking that was about to happen. While I was tossing my cookies, I faintly heard the back door open.

"McKayla?" Gemma called from somewhere.

"Ugh." I groaned loudly enough for her to be able find me.

Gemma poked her head in the door and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Still puking?" She asked.

I shot her a glare and rested my forehead on the seat.

"Ya know, you should be better by now. If it was the flu, I mean." She said, a smirk growing on her face.

I rolled my eyes and with all my strength pulled myself up onto the toilet seat.

"Gem, please." I whined.

She just shrugged and handed me my toothbrush. As I was loading it up, I felt another wave of nausea hit me.

"Oh for fucks sake!" I moaned before dropping back to the floor.

Gemma sighed and held back my hair while I emptied my stomach, again. When I was finished, Gemma wiped my face and I finally got to get that vile taste out of my mouth. I locked eyes with her in the mirror and I could see I was about to get a lecture.

"Alright listen, you've been puking your guts out for weeks and I think it's about time for a doctor visit. Either that or I'm buying you the piss stick." She commanded, her mom voice coming out.

It was my turn to sigh now. I wiped the spit from my face and left the room to change. She wasn't about to give up. She followed me out of the room and half way down the hall.

"You and Jax have been going at it like bunnies since you got back together and I know you ain't wrappin' it so it's bound to-"

I cut her off by facing her. I wanted to yell, I wanted to scream at her but I just didn't have the energy. Instead I just put my hands on my hips and closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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