Chapter thirteen

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“And the weather today is going to be in the high 70’s with sun shine all day. Back to you, Nancy.”

I dragged my hand over my face and let out a deep breath. It was 7 am. I didn’t sleep a wink. From the second McKayla walked out of the house, I replayed everything that was said over and over in my mind. How could I actually believe that she would rat? I knew in my heart that she never would do something like that. In my head, all I knew was I had a card with a lawyers name and number on it and what it looked like. God dammit. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have been so arrogant to think she wouldn’t find out that I slept with someone else? I didn’t even know those panties were there.

I opened my mouth and let the sweet poison escape from my lips. With my left hand, I reached up and caught it through my fingers. It slipped right through them, just like I let McKayla slip away.

Abel started crying. For a moment, I just sat still. I knew I had to check him, but I couldn’t find the motivation to move. I took a hit from my joint and pulled myself out of the chair.

Slowly, I made my way down the hall and opened his door. He was standing up in the crib, his face was red and wet with tears. I sighed and bent down to pick him up.

“Shh, it’s okay buddy.” I whispered to him.

He just cried harder and pushed at me. He didn’t want me. He wanted McKayla.  My heart ached. I kissed his head and brought him out of the room. Neeta was just coming in when we got to the kitchen.

“Good morning Jax. How are you?” She said with a smile.

I gave her a weak one back and shrugged. She took the baby from me and he started to settle down. I took the opportunity to get ready. I swallowed hard and pushed opened the door. The room was cold. The bed was still made since I didn’t sleep in it. McKayla’s purse was even still on the floor. With everything I had in me, I pushed down any thoughts of her and tried my best to get dressed. As I was pulling up my jeans, my cell phone started ringing.


“Mornin’ brotha’” It was Chibs

I sighed and leaned on the dresser.

“Hey, how is she?” I asked.

I had Chibs go after McKayla last night. I knew she wouldn’t want to see me, but I couldn’t let her just wonder around Charming alone.

“She’s hurtin’ bad Jackie.” He said.

I winced and closed my eyes.

“I know Chibs.” I said.

We were silent for a beat and then he spoke.

“Right, well I think you know that you need to make things right yeah?” He said.

I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.

“Yeah man, I know.” I said.

“See you at the club, brotha.” He said.

We hung up and I grabbed a shirt out of my drawer. Beside it, was a black Reaper shirt that McKayla wore to bed. I sighed deeply as I picked it up and breathed it in. It smelled just like her. For a moment, I felt like I was holding her in my arms. I knew I had to make things right, I just wasn’t sure if I could.

When I got to the garage, Clay was leaning against the door way to the office. I clenched my fists and thought about pounding his head as hard as I could into the wall.

“Jax, gimme a hand.” Opie called from inside the garage.

I swallowed my anger down and went to see what Ope needed help with. Together, we got the engine out of piece of shit Honda Civic and up on the lift.

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