chapter eight

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As we pulled into Jax and I’s driveway, I started to get nervous. What if Abel had already forgotten me? Gemma looked over to me and turned off the car.

“He’s missed you.” She said.

I looked at her slowly and bit my bottom lip.

“You think so?”

She smiled and nodded.

“I know it. You’re the closest thing to a mother that boy has. Trust me, he’s missed you.”

I smiled and we got out of the car. Neeta was cleaning up the kitchen when we walked in.

“McKayla! It so good to see you!” She shouted.

She opened her arms and pulled me in for a tight hug.

“It’s good to see you too.” I said with a smile.

I loved Neeta. She reminded me of an aunt that was always around to offer advice and words of wisdom. I looked around for Abel and she nodded towards the living room. Abel was in his playpen chewing on the ear of a stuffed rabbit. When he saw me, his eyes lit up and he dropped the toy.

“Hi Abel.” I said softly.

He made a happy noise and reached up for me. My heart warmed and I gathered him up in my arms.

“I’ve missed you so much.” I said as I held him close.

I gave him some kisses before putting him back down. Gemma was talking to Neeta so I went to the bedroom to change. I stripped off Jax’s Reaper shirt and put on some fresh under clothes. It was kind of chilly out today, so I decided on a pair of black leggings and an oversized sweater that hung off the shoulder. Once I was dressed, I started to make the bed. As I pulled back the sheets, I noticed something on the bed. There, twisted up in the sheets were a pair of black lace panties that weren’t mine. My heart crashed down to my stomach.

“No.” I whispered.

“McKayla? You about ready or what?” Gemma called from the hall. I swallowed down the tears and the anger and stuffed the panties in my purse that was still in its place by the dresser.

“I’ll be out inna sec!” I called back.

I hurried to the bathroom and put on some makeup before walking out, leaving the bed unmade. We took Abel back to TM with us. Gemma needed some help catching up with some paper work so I tried to focus on that. Safe to say, it didn’t work. All I could think about were those damn panties tucked in my bag and how Jax could do that to me. Gemma went out to the club house for coffee and to feed Abel and I stayed in the office. I was writing out a receipt when the phone rang.

“TM Repair,” I said.

“McKayla?” The voice on the other end said.

Shit. It was Gabriel. My pulse quickened and I looked around nervously to see if anyone was around.

“Gabriel?” I said just above a whisper.

I could hear him smile.

“Good, I called the right number.” He said.

I swallowed hard and tucked a hair behind my ear.

“How did you know where to call?” I asked him.

“I wrote the name down when I dropped you off and looked it up in the phone book. Is this a bad time?” He said.

“No, no. I just wasn’t expecting to hear from you.” I said with a shrug even though he couldn’t see it.

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