Chapter twenty nine

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I've never felt comfortable at family get-togethers. Any time I was forced to go to one, I felt like the odd one out. My mother would say it was my own fault and that I was just being a bitch. I grew to hate seeing my own family.

The funny thing is, being surrounded by the club at Gemma's house was the most comfortable I've ever felt. I looked to my right at Gemma, the woman who has taken me in as her own. For once her smile reached her eyes. She was holding Clay's hand lovingly and listening to him as he told a story. They laughed wildly together and Clay leaned over to kiss her cheek. That is what real love looks like. I smile and turn my head to the left to be met with Jax's blue eyes.

He was looking at me the same way Gemma looks at Clay. Pure Love. He reaches across the table and takes my hand in his. Everyone else seemed to disappear. The chatter, their faces, all gone and all I could see was Jax Teller. He was all I ever needed.

After a while, Gemma and I cleared the table and sent everyone off with more leftovers than they could eat. Jax and Clay were 'talking shop' and Gemma and I went outside for some air.

"So, you sure you're ready to go back?" She asked me as she lit a smoke.

She handed me one and lit it for me.

"I've never wanted anything more." I told her.

Gemma studied me carefully. She took two longs drags before facing me head on.

"You can do this, baby. You're a hell of a lot stronger than you think you are." She said finally.

I couldn't help myself. I launched myself at her and hugged her tightly. She let out a small chuckled and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Thank you, Gemma." I whispered.

We stayed like that for a moment before she cleared her throat.

"Alright honey, I don't need the neighbors getting any freaky ideas about me." She said, prying me off.

I laughed and wiped a stray tear from the corner of my eye.

Jax stood up from the table when he saw us come back.

"Hey babe, you about ready?" He asked, taking my hand.

I nodded and gathered my purse. With a quick round of hugs and kisses, we were out the door.

Riding on the back of a Harley is an amazing experience. Riding with Jax Teller though, there's nothing in the world that compares to it. When I'm behind him on that bike, every nerve in my body feels like it's on fire. The loud rumble of the engine hardly drowns out the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. Even though I've overcome my fear of riding a long time ago, I still found myself pressing my face between Jax's strong shoulders. The smell of leather and exhaust flooded my senses and it was all I could do not to moan. I felt Jax chuckle and his hand dropped from the handlebar to cover mine. We stopped at a light and I leaned up to kiss his neck just below his ear.

"We're almost home, baby." He said, his head turned slightly so he could see me.

Finally, we pulled into the driveway. Jax cut the engine, but neither of us got off. I could feel Jax's heart racing under his cut.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked me finally.

Did I want this? If I walked through that door, there was no going back. I smiled and stood up from the bike. Jax followed me with his eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard.

"Hell yes." I mumbled on his lips.

A smile broke out on his face and he kissed me again. I felt his arm brush against the back of my knee and before I knew it, I was being lifted in the air. I squealed and clung onto Jax's neck as he carried me to the door.

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