Chapter twenty seven

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Nothing about this meet felt right. I told Clay from the start that we shouldn't have got in bed with these guys but, here we are. We were told to meet just outside of Charming; no cuts and no guns.

"Alright, where are they?" Tig asked.

My phone told me that they were late and my gut was screaming that things were going to get bad. As if on cue, six cars sped onto the road, kicking up dust in their wake.

"Show time." Clay said to me.

The air felt heavy and I clenched my fists. Opie was standing to my right with his hands deep in his pockets.

"Let's get this over with." He muttered.

I nodded and watched them climb out of the cars.

"Fellas, thanks for meeting us." Clay started.

Nothing. They didn't say a word. Just stared us down.

"I don't like this." I whispered to Clay.

He held up his hand and took another step.

"So, what can we do to make this work?" He asked the leader.

The leader shook his head and took a step back.

"We can't." He gestured between himself and Clay.

"But don't worry, I'm fixing this, now."

While he was talking, I was watching his men. They were all standing behind the car doors like they were shields.

Shit. This was a set up. Time slowed down and I could see all the med pulling guns and propping them on the doors. The leader nodded once and pulled his own piece from his back. Before he could pull the trigger, I lunged at Clay and knocked him into the dirt.

"Get down!" I shouted as bullets started flying.

I crawled on top of Clay and covered him with my own body. The shooting didn't last long. We stayed on the ground until they sped off down the road.

"Jesus!" Chibs shouted.

"Anyone hit?" I called as I stood up.

I reached out and pulled Clay to his feet. We locked eyes and he nodded in a silent 'Thanks'.

"Dammit, Jax!" Tig shouted.

I whipped around and saw him kneeling over Opie.

"He's hit. Right side." Tig said as he held his hand up. It was covered in blood.

"Christ." Clay said, dropping beside him.

He started barking out orders, but I wasn't listening. I was seeing red. I ran to my bike and threw on my helmet.

"Jax! Where the hell are you going?!" Clay shouted.

"After them!" I shouted back before racing down the road after those bastards.

I got lucky, the road we were on wasn't used much so I could easily follow their tracks. Of course, we had to meet in the middle of the damn woods. I was going down a small hill when I heard a loud pop. The next thing I knew, I was flying.

I hit the ground hard, rolling as I went. I managed to get out of the way of my bike just seconds before it would've landed on top of me. When I finally came to a stop, my body ached. I pulled myself up on to my knees and took my helmet off.

"Son of a bitch." I said as I surveyed the damage.

I didn't even have time to check on my bike before I was being hauled to my feet. One of them sucker punched me in the gut. I doubled over and the other dick bag pulled me straight by my hair and punched me square in the face. I heard the sick crunch from my nose and knew it was broken. Blood poured down my face and into my mouth. I spit a mouthful on the ground.

On the Devil's Path {a SOA sequel}Where stories live. Discover now