chapter twelve

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“Sweet dreams, angel.” I whispered to Abel as I laid him down in his crib.

It had been a long day for us. After Jax left, Gemma picked Abel and I up and we ran around town. Next weekend is Abel’s first birthday and we want it to be perfect.  Gemma was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee when I came back out.

“Did he fall asleep?” She asked.

I smiled and poured myself a cup of coffee.

“As soon as he hit the mattress.” I said with a nod.

She smiled and pulled her reading glasses out along with a notebook and pen.

“Okay, so we looked at a clown and a petting zoo. All we need is the food and a place to have it.” She said.

I nodded and sat down across from her. She looked up at me and put her head in her palm.

“How are you and Jax?” She asked.

I sighed happily and wrapped my hands around my coffee mug. I thought about this morning and how he was looking at me before he left. He loves me. He really loves me and I can see it. Last night while he sleeping, he started mumbling something in his sleep. He was tossing and turning and getting more upset. I leaned over to him and rested my hand on his chest and kissed his cheek. Right away, Jax seemed to relax and wrapped his hand around mine.

“We’re good.” I said.

Gemma smiled softly and reached her hand across the table and took mine.

“Good. I’m glad you’re home, sweetie.” She said.

I nodded and she stood up.

“Alright well I’m gonna take off. Don’t forget to talk to Jax about the party.” She said.

She leaned down and kissed the top of my head before walking out the door. I let out an exhausted sigh and ran my hands through my hair. Planning a birthday party is hard work. After downing a second cup of coffee, I decided to tidy up the house a little before Jax came home.

Once I got started, there was no stopping me. Two hours in and I had the kitchen sparkling and was working on the living room. I just started to dust the entertainment stand when I heard Jax pull up. I smiled and went to meet him at the door. It was midnight. The clock in the kitchen just chimed twelve times.

As soon as Jax opened the door, I could tell something was off. His eyes were darting all over the place, but they never rested on me.

“Where’s my son?” He asked distractedly.

I took a small step back and pointed down the hall.

“Sleeping.” I said in a small voice.

Without another word, Jax went into Abel’s room and closed the door behind him. I felt a cold chill run down my spine and I hugged myself. It was almost like someone sucked the life out of me. A few minutes later, Jax reappeared in the hall.

“We need to talk.” Was all he said as he walked into the bedroom.

My heart started pounding and my mind racing. What on earth is going on? It felt like it took me ages to walk down that hallway. Jax was pacing and running his hands through his hair when I got to the doorway.

“Close the door.” He said without looking at me.

I swallowed hard and did as I was told.

The pacing went on for another minute before he finally stopped and looked at me for the first time since he got home.

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