Chapter eighteen

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The next seven days crawled by slowly. That's how long Jax had to stay in the hospital. He probably could've been out in three, but he ripped his stitches while trying to put a shirt on and they made him stay a few more days. While he was in the hospital, Gemma and I decided it was best to postpone Abel's party until Jax came home. Gemma almost had to sick the club on the petting zoo people because they didn't want to reschedule. But, everything worked out and the party was going to be great.

I spent most of those seven days between sitting with Jax in the hospital and taking care of Abel. Every day, at various times, I would see Tara walk by Jax's window and look in. She never once looked at me, as if she couldn't see that I was there. But I saw her. And every time I did, I made sure I held Jax's hand or kissed him, just so she could see that he was mine.

Jax was getting restless. He hated being in the hospital and he hated that he had to stay in bed. He also hated that, because of his stitches and broken ribs, he couldn't wear his cut. Without it, he looked different. He didn't look like the scary biker guy anymore. He looked like a normal guy. I think that's what he hated. But I promised him, the day he was released I would bring it for him and help him put it on.

The night before we was to be let out, I kissed him softly and turned to leave. Jax caught my arm and spun me back to him. I giggled and he held me close.

"I gotta go, Jax. Visiting hours are over. You don't want nursezilla to come in here again, do you?" I told him with a smile.

He smirked and pulled me on top of him.

"She can watch." He said with a shrug.

I laughed and bent down to kiss him.

"You're crazy." I said.

"Crazy for you." He said back.

We both laughed at his cheesiness. The door swung open and nursezilla appeared with her arms folded across her chest.

"Miss, this is a hospital, not a porno set." She said dryly.

Nursezilla was a woman in her late 50s. She was tall and big, like a linebacker. She had mousey brown hair that was thin and always pulled up in a tight bun that made her face appear fatter than it was. Her eyes were a dull blue and I don't think she's smiled in 40 of her 50 years.

I held back a laugh and Jax just grinned.

"Sorry, ma'am." I finally managed to say.

Nursezilla just rolled her eyes and pointed to the clock.

"Visiting hours ended 15 minutes ago." She said.

I nodded to her and carefully got off the bed. I gathered my purse and gave Jax a quick kiss on the cheek. That wasn't enough for him. He put his hand on the back of my neck and kissed me hard. Nursezilla cleared her throat and stomped her foot impatiently.

"See you tomorrow, babe." He said after he'd let me go.

I just smiled and shook my head and followed the nurse out of the room. She grumbled something about annoying kids and needing to retire. I just smiled and made my way down the hall to the elevator. Just before I reached it, I saw Tara coming around the corner. She was looking down at a chart and didn't see me. Before I knew it, she ran right into me. Pages flew around in every direction and we were both knocked back.

"Excuse me!" She said in annoyance.

But as soon as she saw it was me, her attitude changed.

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