chapter twenty-one

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I watched McKayla disappear into the bathroom and waited for the water to start running before turning to Gemma. She had crossed her arms over her chest and was stomping her foot impatiently.

"Spill it Jackson. Tell me right now what the hell is going on." She demanded.

I shot a glance back at the bathroom and took Gemma by the arm.

"What are you doing?" She whispered.

I didn't say anything as I led her outside to the porch.

"I swear Jackson, I will kill this bitch-" I cut her off.

"She's pregnant mom."

A speechless Gemma was a rare sight. She opened and closed her mouth a few times before lighting a cigarette.

"Are you sure it's for real?" She asked me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure. Tara wouldn't lie about that." I said.

Gemma snorted.

"Yes she would. That bitch would do anything to get you back."

"Mom stop it! That's the mother of your grandchild you're talking about." I yelled.

She took a step back and blew out some smoke. I was shaking so hard that I had to sit down. Gemma sat beside me and put her hand on my knee.

"She was gonna have an abortion, mom. I couldn't let her do that." My voice was so low I didn't think she'd heard me.

"What are you gonna tell McKayla?" She asked softly.

I let out a shaky breath and ran my hands through my hair.

"I don't know. I've put her through so much already. This is gonna kill her."

Gemma stayed silent for a few minutes.

"Jackson, listen to me. The longer you put this off, the worse it will be for both of you. You cannot hide this from her. If you love McKayla at all you'll go in there and tell her and pray to God you don't lose her."

When she wanted to, Gemma could be a loving and understanding mother.

"God I can't believe you were dumb enough to hit it raw." She said, shaking her head.

We exchanged looks and she kissed my cheek. Gemma stood up and walked down to her car.

"Deal with this." She said as she got in the car.

I sighed and watched her drive away. I knew she was right. I needed to tell McKayla as soon as possible. She deserved to know the truth so she could decide what to do. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I think. Maybe we could work something out so that everyone's happy. Or maybe I would lose her forever.

Four cigarettes and a walk around the block later, I finally went back inside. Almost two hours have passed since Gemma left and McKayla was still in the bathroom. I took a deep breath and drug myself down the hallway. I swear it was like walking down The Green Mile to get to the bathroom door. I pressed my hands to the door and braced myself.

"Babe, can we talk?" I said through the door.

She didn't say anything. I knocked a few times.


I twisted the knob, but it was locked. For the first time, I noticed water slowly spilling out under the door. My heart dropped. Something was wrong.

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