Chapter 2

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Awkward Dinner, Murderer Unicorn


'Well this is awkward.'

That was all Amy was repeating in her head as she sat at the Adams' dining table.

Malory Adams. Sweet woman. Looked like a great mother, like someone you could always confide in.

Frank Adams. Funny guy. One of those dads that you play baseball in the park with or ruffle your hair and call you 'kiddo'.

Matt Adams. Trouble maker. Skater teen who is 'too cool for school' and looks like the gamer type.

Charlie Adams. Adorable smile. Cute little apple cheeks and the imaginative, creative, cooky (in a good way) sort of girl.

Then there's Jude Adams. 17. Amy's age.

She's known him since she was barely walking and they've lived on the same street for Amy's entire life.

They were friends... sort of. Their relationship was the sort of awkward wave and a mumble of 'hey, how are you' if they saw each other at the grocery store.

That was basically it. Nothing more nothing less. Just because their parents were best friends didn't mean they had to be.

Amy never really saw Jude at school much. He used to be really good friends with the 'cool kids' a.k.a. giant jerks with diddly dicks.

But something happened in summer last year and, well... he just had a different feel to him.

Whatever. Amy didn't care much. He was an absolute prick to her best friend, Alissa, and she really didn't care what he did or who he hung out with. But now she would have to live with him for months and she really didn't think that was the best plan.

Jude was quite-

"So Amy, how's school these days?" Malory asked, interrupting Amy's thoughts. Wait should Amy call her Malory? Was that disrespectful? Mrs Adams? Too formal? Just don't address her by a name and if you must then-

"Amy?" She asked again.

"Oh sorry, in my own little world," Amy smiled looking at Malory/Mrs Adams.

"School is pretty good I guess umm...uh..."

'Please acknowledge the awkward mumble as a cue for you to indicate what name I should call you' Amy thought.


'Okay then I'll go with Mrs Adams' she decided.

"Pretty good... Mrs Adams?" She said as if it were a question.

"Oh, please honey, call me Malory." Mrs Ad- Malory smiled.

"Your parents tell me you're a straight A student." Malory stated taking a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"My parents are big braggers," Amy chuckled. Was that too big headed to say?

"Well a kid being a straight A student instead of barely passing history is something to brag about." Malory smiled before giving Matt a pointed look.

"What?" Matt asked with a mouthful of... God knows what. Chicken?

Malory rolled her eyes and looked back to Amy.

"It will be nice to have another lady in the house. It's finally even. No more Sunday night football games instead of America's Next Top model."

"Ugh, spare me. That show is garbage!" Matt said fake gagging.

"Speaking of garbage the trash isn't going to take itself out." Malory put on her stern parent face while looking at Matt.

"How do you do that mom? Turning everything into some horrible chore. What have I done to deserve this harassment. This is practically child abuse. I could call the-"

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