Chapter 6

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Jude Wants to Share a Tent With Amy and Matt has this girl...


It was 5am on a Saturday morning and Amy was dressed in grey trackies and a black top.

She looked like death.

She felt like death.

"Who's going camping? We're going camping!" Malory cheered with a sleeping bag under each arm.

Jude was sitting at the bottom of the stairs with his elbows on his knees, Matt was leaning against the banister with his eyelids drooping, Charlie was hugging her stuffed unicorn and Frank was on the driveway packing the car with camping gear.

"Mom, you're cheerfulness is making me tired." Matt grumbled

"Come on you lazy bunch, this is great!" Malory grinned.

She had a strange idea of what great was...

Suddenly, Frank emerged through the front door dusting his hands off.

"The car is packed and ready to go!" He smiled while gesturing for everyone to exit the house.

Jude stood up and headed for the door followed by Charlie and Malory. Amy grabbed her small backpack which held her toiletries and a few snacks and followed Malory out of the door.

Matt finally exited the house with the help of Frank pulling him by the ear.

"Ow, ow, ow! Dad! I think Buddha's cool and all but I would appreciate it if you didn't give me his ears!" Matt complained, clutching his left ear when his father finally let go.

"Then let's go. Come on kids everyone pile in!" Frank said wafting his hands in a gesture that meant 'hurry up let's go'.

Jude climbed into the third row of the 7 seater Land Rover Discovery. Matt was about to climb into the third row as well when he suddenly stopped and turned back to look at Amy who was patiently waiting for him to get in the car.

"Can you sit next to Jude? I'm a light sleeper and he snores." Matt said.

"I do not snore!" Jude protested.

"Well luckily you wouldn't know because you're asleep however the rest of us have to suffer horribly." Matt retorted.

If it wasn't 5am in the morning and if Amy could have found a way to refuse without offending Jude, she might have protested however it was too early in the morning and Amy couldn't be bothered so she agreed.

Matt crawled out of the car so Amy could squeeze into the third row seat next to Jude.

"Thanks Amy!" Matt said brightly.

'And now commences the next four hours of awkward silence' Amy thought.

As soon as Frank was about to pull out of the driveway-

"Mommy I need to pee." Charlie said softly.

The entire car groaned.


"Are we there yet mommy?"

"Not yet Charlie."

That had to be the fifth time in the last 10 minutes that Charlie had asked that. Amy propped her head on her hand and looked out the window at the various trees that zoomed by.

"Are we there now?"

"Nope. Not yet Charlie." Frank answered.

Amy's butt was beginning to fall asleep. She shifted in her seat slightly and her eyes fell onto Jude. He was slumped in his seat looking out of the window and tapping his fingers against his knees. The tapping was silent so Amy wasn't annoyed by it. It seemed as though he always had some nervous energy that he relieved by tapping his fingers.

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