Chapter 5

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Jude Has Dimples, Malory Has Bad Ideas


School had finally ended and Amy was ready to leave. As soon as possible. As soon as she found out how she was going to get back to the Adams' house.

She was at her locker packing her bag when she saw someone walking up to her.

It was Jude.

"Hey. Mom said I should drive you home. You ready?" Jude asked politely but not exactly warmly.

His dark hair was a good kind of messy and his hazel eyes looked more green than brown at the moment.

"Yeah sure, let's go." Amy replied, shutting her locker and following Jude out of the building.


The car journey was silent but even worse than in the morning because they were trapped in the middle of a giant traffic jam.

Amy exhaled slowly and rested her head against the cold passenger seat window of the black Jeep.

Jude tapped his fingertips against the steering wheel impatiently.

It was driving Amy mad.

Tappity tap tap tappity tappity tap.

It went on for about 7 more minutes until Amy couldn't take it anymore so she just sat up straight and looked at Jude.

"Patience is a virtue." She said calmly.

The drumming finally stopped and Jude looked back at her.

"Sorry," he said breaking the eye contact to look at the traffic ahead. "I hate traffic. Especially on Monday afternoons when all you want to do is pass out on a pillow."

"Yeah well, I've never heard anyone really say 'Yay! Traffic! Let's do this baby!'"

"True." Jude smiled.

He had a nice smile and- wait! Was that a dimple?!

'Those dimples though' Amy thought.

They had fallen back into silence and Amy really didn't want that to happen again so she looked for a topic which could be a seed for an interesting conversation.

" do you have any homework?"

Yes m, what an interesting topic. Mental face palm.

"French and history." Was all Jude said. Gee, he really wasn't making it any easier to hold a conversation.

"You do French?"

'What a stupid question' Amy thought to herself. Obviously he did French or else he wouldn't have said he had French homework.

"Yeah, it comes easier to me than Spanish and I like the language."

'The language of love' Amy thought as a totally unrelated topic that had nothing to do with the 'relationship' between her and Jude. She didn't even really know him anyway.

"Can you say something in French?"

Another stupid question. He did French so he should be able to speak French.

"Je déteste le trafic."

Amy only took Spanish but she could guess what that meant.

"Same." She smiled.

"You speak French?" He asked.

"No, not really but I kind of guessed what it meant. I take Spanish and I know a little Italian because my mom's mom is from Italy."

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