Chapter 14

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Wow it feels like years since I've updated... I'm sorry *hands over handwritten apology letter that is incredibly beautiful just like you*

Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter...


'Hangovers really are a bitch' Amy thought as she sat up with her head throbbing in pain.

She was still in the clothes that she wore to the party and her hair was already turning back to its naturally curly state.

She stood up slowly and noticed her cobalt blue shoes thrown on the floor carelessly at the other side of the room.

She couldn't, for the life of her, remember anything she did after her second cup of alcohol. Not a thing. She didn't even know how she made it to her room in her drunken state.

That would be sorted out later, but for now she needed a nice warm shower and a glass of cool water. She stumbled to the ensuite bathroom, clutching her throbbing head in pain.

She took pleasure in feeling the warm water run down her body that was sticky with sweat and smelt of alcohol and even washed her hair just to stay in the shower for longer.

When she finally came out, a white towel was tightly wrapped around her body and light blue one was wrapped over her dripping wet hair. She brushed her teeth then went to get dressed to find an appropriate outfit for a lazy Sunday finally settling for black Victoria's Secret yoga pants and an oversized hoodie.

After getting dressed she used her hair towel to squeeze the water out of her her hair and decided to let her hair air dry so she combed through it with curly hair products then left it damp.

Amy then commenced her descent to the kitchen in pursuit of a glass of water for her headache.

She didn't know what she had done last night but she remembered the last time she got drunk at a party and did things she wouldn't normally do.

Eli was a pretty good kisser, though.

When Amy was walking down the stairs she ran into Jude coming up at the same time.

"Hey Jude," She smiled warmly. He had his hair in this messy I-just-woke-up hairdo and it was really working for him.

Jude looked up at her for a split second then looked back down straight away.

"Hey," He mumbled and slid past Amy on the stairs and continued walking up.

That was weird. Normally she'd get more than a 'hey'. Amy turned to look at Jude and quickly followed him up.

"Jude, wait!" She spoke catching up to him. "Is everything okay?"

He stopped walking and clenched his jaw.

"Do you remember anything that happened at the party?" He asked ignoring Amy's question.

"Ummm... not anything after my second cup of alcohol," She answered slightly embarrassed at how much of a lightweight she was.

For a moment Jude pulled a pained expression then he blushed slightly and looked at the ground.

"Are you okay?" Amy asked. "What happened at the party?"

Jude looked up into her eyes.

"Nothing," He said and started walking again.

Amy grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back to face her.

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