Chapter 7

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"Rise and shine sleeping beauties. Day light's a-burning." Jude heard his mother's chirpy voice say.

He rolled over in his sleeping bag and groaned. What time was it? It felt like he just closed his eyes. Jude decided that the whole camping thing would be much better without the waking up early.

"Jude," Jude heard Matt grumble as he was lying on the other side of him in the small tent "I think that Mom's finally lost it."


"Let's go! We need to have the campsite packed and spotless by 7am and it is currently 5:35 in the morning!" Mom screamed and Jude felt someone shake the tent.

"Alright, alright we're up." Jude said lifting himself into a sitting position.

"Speak for yourself." Matt said quietly and rolled in his sleeping bag still half asleep.

It was 6:14 when everyone finally got out of their tents, got dressed and started disassembling the camp.

"Matt, Charlie, would you help your mom and I carry some things to load the car?" Dad asked.

Matt shrugged and Charlie nodded. They picked up a few duffel bags and fold up chairs then made their way to the car park where the car was situated.

That left Jude and Amy collapsing the tents alone.

"I guess we'll start with this tent?" Amy asked as she pulled out the pegs.

"Sure," Jude responded. "Hey uh, Amy?" He began pulling out the pegs alongside her.


"Are you friends with Alissa?"

Jude saw Amy visibly freeze and stand up from her previous kneeling position.

"Yeah, she's a really close friend of mine."

So Jude's speculations were correct. Alissa was her friend.

"Oh." He dumbly said.

"Did something happen last year?" She looked at Jude as he stood up next to her.

Good. Alissa hadn't told Amy about last year. Jude wanted to keep it that way.

"No," Jude answered a little too quickly. "I mean yes, but nothing major it's fine."

"Charlie told me that Alissa used to-"

"20 questions? We're going to be living with each other for a while so we should get to know each other," Jude interrupted "I'll start. What's your favourite thing to do when you have free time?" Jude asked as he resumed taking down the tent.

"Hmm, when I have free time I like to...this may seem weird but I have an obsession with Disney movies so I tend to watch them in my free time," Amy smiled.

"Mulan's my favourite." Jude laughed.

"You watch Disney movies?" Amy's eyes were wide.

"It's the price you pay for having a little sister." Jude explained. Charlie had forced him to watch those princess movies countless times and what really terrified him was that he actually hated them less than he thought he would.

"That's adorable," Amy said fondly "Beauty and the Beast is my favourite. I like how Belle is intelligent and can fall in love with someone's personality not just their good looks."

Jude turned to look at her and saw her smile. Obviously Amy was really attractive but there was something about her smile that made it hard for Jude to concentrate.

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