Chapter 10

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Jude lead Alissa to the kitchen.

The moment he had been dreading had finally come around and there was no beating around the bush this time.

Alissa sat on a breakfast bar stool looking pissed to the off.

"What do you want?" She snapped.

Jude took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. "I'm sorry." He said.

"I'm sorry too," Alissa smiled "Sorry I ever trusted you." Her smile turned into a glare.

Yep, Jude deserved that one.

"I'm sorry, Alissa, sorry that I-"

"That you what? Ruined my life? Left at the worst time? Broke my heart? I could go on but then I would just keep wasting and wasting my breath on you." Alissa sneered with her voice raising as she reached the end of her sentence.

"I'm sorry," Jude said again "what I did was wrong. Really wrong... and I'm sorry. I've changed."

"Oh sure, I bet you've changed!" Alissa nodded sarcastically.

"Look, Alissa, I'm trying to apologise for a mistake I made last summer and you're not making it any easier." Jude said pressing his palms on the countertop.

"Oh, oh I'm sorry Jude I didn't mean to make your life difficult. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. No...wait a minute...yes I did." She said venomously.

Jude sighed and dropped his head. He felt his shoulders tensing.

"And why the hell are you shirtless?" Alissa demanded "thought that if your 'kind' personality and deep repentance couldn't earn my forgiveness that maybe your six pack would?"

Jude was starting to regret ever apologising to her. It was his own freaking house, he could do what ever the hell he wanted without getting her approval. She really could be a psychopathic bitch.

"I'm sorry!" He said loudly as he was beginning to lose his composure.

"Whatever, Jude," Alissa jeered. She slipped off the stool and made her way to the exit of the kitchen but stopped and turned back to Jude "oh, and if you dare try to charm Amy then I swear to God I will-"

"Why would I try to charm Amy? What does she have to do with anything?" Jude said sharply. Alissa was starting to get on his last nerve like she always did since they broke up. Why would he try to charm Amy?

"Don't think I didn't see the way you were staring at her in the cafeteria the other day. You'll fool her into liking you then you'll break her heart!" Alissa yelled "Just like you did to me." She said the last part quietly.

"I'm sor-"

"Don't even bother, Jude, I'm over it. I'm over you," Alissa sneered "but leave Amy alone, got it?"

Jude was legitimately lost for words. He had to try quite hard to stop his nostrils from flaring in anger. He didn't like Amy that way anyway so why was Alissa losing her shit over this.

Alissa whipped around and left the kitchen without turning back this time.

That could've gone better.



Amy was on the staircase stuffing her face with pizza in anticipation. Part of her wanted to stand near the kitchen and eavesdrop on Alissa and Jude but the other part of her, the part with better judgement, persuaded her not to do so. She was almost done with the first pizza when Alissa walked out of the kitchen to meet Amy who impetuously stood up placing the pizza box on the step.

So she's going to live with us?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin