Chapter 11

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I have a problem. I'm addicted to casting people. Of course you can imagine the characters however you would like to and I apologise for my influence but I guess this way you can see how I imagine the characters.

Anywho... Isabela Moner is how I imagine Natalie to look.

I have to say this is probably one of my favourite chapters so far because I do have a soft spot for Matt and- oops can't give away everything.

Kudos for still reading this long A/N but please proceed with the story.



"That one's nice too."

"Amy are you even looking!"



Alissa sighed melodramatically and put the dress back on the rack.

"You are not being very helpful."

"Sorry," Amy said blandly. She didn't mind shopping but shopping with Alissa suddenly became some kind of Call of Duty shit. 'This is not good enough!' BOOM! Shot to the ground 'This is hideous!' BOOM! Another one down. 'Who even DESIGNED this!' Double BOOM!

"Ugh, let's try another store," Alissa groaned and walked out of the fifth store, empty handed like all the others.

"Can we just grab a pretzel or something first? I need fuel before more shopping," Amy stated already gravitating towards the pretzel stand.

"Fine but then straight back to shopping. We can't be too long because I calculated the time to go through the mall and stop at the good stores and we don't have time to stop for insignificant things like food," Alissa said sternly with eyebrows furrowed.

"Sir, yes sir!" Amy saluted.

She paid for her cinnamon pretzel and began to eat it, ignoring the impatient comments from Alissa as they sat on a bench.

"Mmph I'm fripphing phoo pheet!" Amy said with her mouth full. Which translated as: 'What? I'm trying to eat!'

Alissa rolled her eyes and turned around. Amy continued eating until Alissa started tapping on her arm rapidly with wide eyes.

Amy swallowed quickly. "What?!" She asked.

"Look!" She whispered pointing diagonally in front of herself.

Amy tried to understand what Alissa was talking about so she dragged her vision across the mall until her eyes caught what her friend was notifying her about.

It was Matt. With his arm draped around a girl.

"Oh my God is that Matt-" Amy started.

"With an actual girl?!" Alissa finished. "I think I've seen it all."

"We should go before he sees-" Amy stopped her sentence and stared as Matt leaned in and kissed the girl for, like, 10 freaking seconds.

"What the..." Alissa said quietly shaking her head "Matthew Adams..."

Amy stood up and tossed the paper bag and napkin her pretzel was in, in the trash.

"We need to embarrass him," Alissa decided, standing up and pulling Amy towards Matt.

"Why? The kid's annoying but I don't think-"

"Amy, trust me. That 'kid' once gave me Oreos that did not have cream filling but instead had toothpaste in them. He's about as innocent as a convicted criminal. Now I finally have a chance to get him back," Alissa smiled slightly maliciously.

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