Chapter 4

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Blue or Black, White or Gold? New Year But Same Old, Same Old


"How exactly does one see blue and black! Are ya BLIND?"

"There is no white or gold in the dress. You are crazy."

"I may be crazy but at least I can distinguish colour difference!"

Here we go again. Jude was sat at the lunch table with Seth and Gabe listening to them go on and on about the internet sensation that is #TheDress.

How were people still going on about that dress? Seth was furiously arguing that the dress was white and gold and Gabe was furiously arguing that the dress was blue and black.

"I see it as purple and yellow." Jude said but then stared up at his friends when he heard no one talking anymore.

"What the actual fuck." Seth mumbled with his broccoli filled mouth hanging open.

Was that broccoli? You could never tell with cafeteria food and Jude personally didn't want to investigate.

"Seriously dude, what the hell." Gabe spoke shaking his head disapprovingly.

"What?" Jude shrugged "Stupid arguments deserve stupid answers and stupid solutions."

"Wow sounds like how politicians see things." Gabe said resuming his eating.

This was basically their friendship. They took dumb internet crazes/obsessions and debated them. They did other stuff too but this was their weirdest pastime.

From planking to the ALS ice bucket challenge. You name it, they've debated it.

Gabe in particular thought that the ice bucket challenge was for a good cause but water was something too precious to waste. He thought the buckets should have been filled with something useless and not at all valuable.

Gabe thought Justin Bieber CDs would have done the trick.

"So..." Seth started, resting his plastic fork on his lunch tray.

He had that creepy look in his eyes that made Jude feel unsettled.

"So...?" Jude questioned.

Seth looked at Gabe who looked confused but then made an 'I know why you're making the creepy face' face.

"Ohhh," Gabe smirked turning to face Jude. Now they were both looking at Jude and Jude was reevaluating his decision to befriend those doofuses.

"What is wrong with you guys?"

"Maybe a certain name will jog your memory?" Seth said, slowly stroking his imaginary beard.

Jude didn't know what they put in the water at school because these idiots were behaving extra strange today.

And that was saying something.

"Amy Jensen ring a bell?" Seth finished.


"Yeah what about her?" Jude thought that maybe playing dumb would make him come across nonchalant or make them drop the subject all together.

He was wrong.

"You never told us someone super hot would be living in your house!" Gabe rolled his eyes as if it were obvious.

"Sorry, I assumed you knew I lived in my own house," Jude said shovelling more cafeteria slop onto his fork.

"Jude Adams, king of comedy," Gabe drawled sarcastically.

"Seriously, if you don't date her I will," Seth said pushing his tray away from him indicating that he was done eating.

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