Chapter 15

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It's late, it's out of date but I promise it's great. Well I can't promise but here's this chapter, enjoy!


"I'm sorry, Ali." Amy said walking quickly in the hallway to catch up to Alissa who had been avoiding her all week. It was Thursday and Amy had finally had enough. She wanted her best friend back.

Alissa didn't even turn around at Amy's apology. Amy hadn't remembered it at first but earlier in the week the memory finally crossed her mind and she remembered Alissa witnessing her and Jude's heated dancing at Max Crawford's party. And now Alissa refused to talk to her.

She had basically broken 'girl code' and Alissa was pissed about it. Now Amy was desperately trying to apologise for what she did with Jude at the party. Even though she was more than tipsy when it happened, it still happened and she still made a move on the ex that her best friend hated.

"Please, Alissa, I'm really sorry."

Alissa still didn't turn around nor slow the pace of her brisk walk. Good thing Amy went on jogs occasionally, Alissa was fast.

Amy stopped trying to get Alissa to respond so she grabbed Alissa's arm and spun her around so they faced each other.

Alissa rolled her eyes and tried to free her arm but Amy's grip was an iron claw.

"Please talk to me." Amy begged.

She would have got on her knees too, had she trusted the hygiene of the hallway floor.

"Why don't you go talk to Jude. You'll have a better chance making out with him than you'll have making up with me." Alissa snarled.

At least she was acknowledging Amy's presence. Baby steps, baby steps.

"What happened at the party was... an accident. I was wasted and had no clue what was happening." Amy explained.

"Amy, look me in the eye and tell me you don't like Jude," Alissa spoke staring Amy right in the eye, slicing her with the gaze of her sharp blue eyes.

"I don't like Jude!" Amy protested. However it appeared more as if she was trying to convince herself she didn't like Jude. She had to accept the fact that part of her wanted to kiss Jude at the party. Even if she was drunk, the alcohol only revealed her deep desires.

"Just tell me the truth!" Alissa's voice began to escalate. "Stop lying to me! If you want to chase after Jude then just go!"

Amy wanted to say something but her vocal chords betrayed her.

"Just don't expect me to talk to you!" Alissa continued.

"Why can't you understand that I'm sorry!" Amy yelled back.

"Because you know that I don't like Jude and you knew that you shouldn't have done what you did but you did anyway!"

"This is more than you not wanting me to date him because he's your ex! This is about what happened last year isn't it!"

"Wow, now I see why you're on the honour roll!" Alissa scoffed sarcastically.

"Why can't you get over it?!"

"Because YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!" Alissa screamed, face flushing with anger.



Amy froze. The anger on her face fell and was rapidly replaced with despair.

So she's going to live with us?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora