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Hey just a quick disclaimer Im not gunna stop updating my other story Im just taking a bit of a break cuz I got a bit of writers block on what to do next for it so give me like a month or two to get inspired again and I'll be updating again. 

Anyway onto the bio of my second story.

Y/n is the product of Aizen splicing together some of Ulquiorra's DNA with Orihime's. Aizen was originally planning on using the boy as a weapon against the soul reapers but over time he came to love the boy and see him as a son. However, he would not get to spend any more time with his "son" because the soul reapers soon launched an assault on the compound. Only thinking of his son's safety he had had the nearest Espada open a Garganta to an unknown location. Aizen looked through the portal to make sure it was safe. He then looked down to the six-year y/n who was clutching his hand tightly. Several of the Espada came in and asked," Aizen sama, what are our orders?"  

Aizen: Guard the doors make sure no soul reapers get through and if they do--

Aizen looked down to y/n before covering his ears and saying "Kill them"

They nodded and Aizen uncovered his ears and kneeled down to y/n.

Aizen: My son, I am so sorry, I can no longer be with you but I promise you this is for your own safety. Please remember I will always love you.

y/n(young): Dad what are you talking about?

Aizen smiled before putting his finger on y/n's forehead and saying," Hado #65 memory suppression" Y/n passed out and Aizen placed him through the Garganta and sadly watched as it closed. Just as it closed the doors burst open and many soul reapers poured through. It was a massacre Aizen slaughtered many soul reapers but he and the Espada were soon overwhelmed. This led to the killing of all the Espada along with the capture of Aizen.

with y/n

Y/n woke with no memory of his life but his name. Looking around there were many buildings but since it was nighttime not many people were out. The cold air was almost unbearable but he found a broken-down building and crawled inside and did his best to fall asleep. When the morning came y/n was hungry but lacked money because he didn't even know where he was. So like any desperate person, he began to steal. Years later he was seen as a sort of saint to anyone living in the slums with him. He would steal food, clothing, weapons and give them to anyone in need. That was until he was finally caught when he tried pickpocketing a man with grey hair and a cane. The man caught y/n and was planning on taking him to be turned in but decided not to once he saw the potential of the boy so he gave him 2 choices join beacon or go to jail.

Not wanting to go to jail y/n agreed to go to the school but he made Ozpin promise to help the people in the slums every few weeks. Which he agreed to, then began training y/n on swordsmanship and trying to use his semblance but y/n was never able to control it. 

Ozpin decided to just focus on swordsmanship and archery before training y/n to use his semblance. He assigned y/n to a single-man team and hoped he would get stronger. Over the few months, he was able to make friends with RWBY and develop a crush on a certain cat faunus on the same team. This leads us to now.

Before heartbreak



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