No Rest for the Wicked

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Y/n was woken up by a pounding on his door. So with an annoyed sigh, he got out of bed and walked towards the door, and opened it. Outside of his door were CRDL and a few other students to who he didn't know the names. Before y/n could react they grabbed him and started pulling him out of his dorm. He just let them drag him because he was too tired to honestly care at this point, seriously it was like 2 in the morning. They took him out to the courtyard and released him. Unknown to them Blake was listening to what was happening and decided to follow them.

CRDL and the others surrounded y/n and began smiling while gaining smiles. Blake grew worried, she saw how y/n could fight one person but 8 she didn't think he could win. She was broken out of her thoughts by Cardin charging at y/n with his fist raised. Before the first could make contact y/n moved out of the way and tripped Carding causing him to crash into one of his teammates. This is how it went on for around 5 minutes, all 8 people failing to even lay a finger on y/n.

y/n:*yawn* Are you finished with this foolishness? If possible I would like to get some more sleep before the sun rises. All of you are just wasting my time.

Cardin growled out," You arrogant asshole, you think you're so much better than everyone. Well let me tell you, you're not, no one likes you, they all think you're a burden. I bet even RWBY despises you." His team and the other students laughed expecting to get a reaction out of y/n but they didn't get one.

Y/n: Oh have your teeth been replaced this fast? How strange. Are you trying to lecture me on arrogance? That's almost comical. Look at yourself, you're a bigot, always claiming you're the best, and you're always making disgusting comments about women. As for what you said about no one liking me I don't care I wasn't created in this world to entertain everyone.

One of the unnamed students smirked and said," Maybe you weren't made for entertaining people but Blake and her team were. Imagine what I could do with them, hell they could entertain all of us at once. Maybe after we're done with you we'll go pay them a visit.

Blake felt disgusted by his words and turned around to go back to her dorm but before she could she saw y/n disappear. He reappeared above the student who was talking about her team and slammed him to the ground. The student tried getting up but y/n forced him to his knees before leveling a light green cero at his face and saying," Kneel"

The student looked terrified and didn't say anything. With no remorse y/n set off the cero completely disintegrating the student and leaving a large crater in the ground. Everyone in the courtyard looked terrified, even Blake as they watched him disappear once more. Using his cero y/n tore through 3 other students only leaving team CRDL and Blake remaining. He raised his finger to shoot out another cero but a loud commanding voice stopped him from setting it off.

Ozpin: What do you think you are doing y/n! Not only have you killed students but you were about to kill more. If you continue this I will have to stop you myself. So as you're superior I command you to stop.

Y/n looked over at Ozpin and Ozpin smirked thinking y/n was going to listen but his eyes widened as y/n pointed the finger at him instead.

Y/n: You are no superior of mine. No person who claims to be a superior should let trash crawl around his school grounds.

Ozpin: You dare disrespect me you would be nothing but a petty thief If I hadn't let you come to Beacon.

Y/n: You forced me to come here. I wanted to help others and you made me come here under threat of arrest.

While this conversation was happening CRDL had run back to their dorm and Blake was standing there next to Ozpin frozen in fear(from you killing the students) and shock due to the conversation taking place.

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