Getting serious?

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Art isn't mine follow the original poster on Twitter if u feel like it's ur choice.

The significantly taller hollow mimicked Rukias action and cradled her face with one hand while having his other wrapped around her back just resting above her tailbone.

While staring into her eyes their faces began to get closer and closer. Y/n was struck with a horrible case of rubatosis with his heart making itself ever present with each terrible resounding beat.

Little did he know Rukias was beating just as hard, just as loud as his. She'd felt these feelings before with a certain redheaded shinigami but never to this degree.

Her eyes flickered to the approaching pair of pitch black lips getting closer and closer to her own. She had felt his cold breath rolling over her lips but before they could make contact a familiar tearing sound was heard.

(Haha yes the old cliche cock block)

From the corner of her eye she saw a small object being launched at them. The cold hand cradling her cheek left along with the frigid breath on her lips. It was now clear a small object was clutched in y/n's hand.

A very familiar voice spoke out,"Yo king the short one you call Ruby keeps callin somethin bout a dance it's drivin me cra-"

He stopped midway seeing the position the two were currently in.

"Am I interruptin somethin?"He continued with squinted eyes.

Rukia turned a bright red while y/n's didn't change in pigmentation whatsoever. At least that's what she thought, under closer inspection she saw that the tops of his ears had gotten a bit pink.

"Yes, yes you are", the king of hollows spoke out for both himself and Rukia. This sent H/n into strange ramblings, undecipherable by both.

The device that was hurled at them earlier began to ring. Before answering he looked down to a still beet red Rukia.

"Are you able to heal yourself?", He asked with a slight infliction of concern in his voice.

Unable to speak, Rukia just nodded and untangled herself from the man.

Now untangled y/n answered his scroll, an extremely excited voice resonated from within it.

Ruby: Y/n! You finally answered! Yay! Are you coming tonight?!

Y/n: Coming to what?

Ruby: The dance duh! Don't tell me you forgot about it!. Please please please tell me you're coming it'll be soooo boring without you!

Even though many aspects of his person had changed both physically and other wise one thing hadn't. Throughout all the years he'd known Ruby he was always unable to say no to her and now was absolutely no different.

Y/n: I will attend.

Ruby: Yaaaay! Don't forget to bring a date!

Ruby hung up before he could even answer her and now she expected him to have a date. From the corner of his eye he could see H/n cackling maniacally while dodging sword strikes from a red Rukia.

In a loud but not stern voice he called for Rukia who shunpoed over to him in an instant. She stood in front of him with her arms firmly at her sides.

"Yes sensei?", She questioned.

Once more his heart made its existence clear.

Y/n: Would you like to attend a dance with me tonight? Do not feel inclined to accept this is simply a request not a demand.

Steam gushed from Rukia's head as she tried to fully process what she had been asked. In response y/n had just raised a singular eyebrow at the complete look of shock on his small companion's face.

A Hollowed HeartΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα