A new threat?

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Song has nothing to do with the story I just like it.
Also I don't own anything

Last time
However, on the other side, he did not see the familiar shattered moon of Remnant, rather a full moon. There was something strange about this place, like it was calling him, so giving in to his instincts he walked through. Unaware of the golden eyes of a black cat watching him from a nearby building.

Immediately y/n felt multiple spiritual pressures ranging in intensity and size. There were 4 decently large ones. One of which was completely human, one was human but didn't feel like a normal human spiritual pressure, one belonged to a human but had heavy traces of hollow reiatsu. And the last one he recognized as the vertically challenged soul reaper who had attacked him prior.

The others were smaller but six of them felt exactly like one of the large ones being a mix of human and hollow energy. A multitude we're pure hollow and two of them had a very distinct signature of being a mix of human,soul reaper, and something else unknown to y/n.

Focusing on the purely hollow signatures he realized they were gathered around the soul reaper.

He felt curious so he sonidoed his was over and perched himself on a moderately sized building and spectated the ongoing battle.

Needless to say y/n was slightly impressed. He watched the short woman decimate multiple hollows using a concoction of methods ranging from kido, different ice attacks, and brute force.

She was doing well until a larger hollow which looked like a lizard got behind her and was about to pierce her with it's barbed tail. However before it could a green cero tore through the base of it's tail. In doing so the soul reaper was alerted to both y/ns and the others hollows presence. With a flick of her wrist she vertically bisected the hollow causing it to disperse into black spirit particles.

(Picture of hollow)Y/n doesn't know why he saved her, he saw the hollow about to attack and before he could stop himself a cero already left his fingers

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(Picture of hollow)
Y/n doesn't know why he saved her, he saw the hollow about to attack and before he could stop himself a cero already left his fingers.

Another was about to attack her but a blue arrow made out of pure reiatsu pierced it's rat like skull mask and erased it from existence.

Rukia turned her attention to a dark haired teen with dark blue eyes , dawned in all white holding a small bow.

Rukia: You're late Ishida, I've already dealt with all of them.

Ishida(uryu): My apologies for the late arrival Rukia-San my father lectured me on the use of my powers once again. Sado is still missing and Orihime isn't suited for combat so they couldn't come either.

Rukia waved him off before asking: how is Ichigo?

Ishida: You know him he puts on a tough face but it's clear to all of us that he misses his powers

Rukia sighed before thanking Ishida and wishing him a goodnight before he disappeared in a technique that looked similar to shunpo but was different at the same time.

A Hollowed HeartWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu