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Song has nothing to do with story I just like it.

So I'm not fully back yet this chapter is just letting you guys know I'm alive. I'm doing okay aot manga made me major depressed but I'm getting over it. This chapter is sorta filler and me kinda just reminding you that I'm continuing both of my stories haven't gotten around to the scissor seven on yet tho. The chapter is sorta shorter than the rest but it's what I can do at the moment. Sorry if it sucks😅

Jushiro was slightly intimidated by Yamamoto but kept a calm face and steadied himself before responding,"These young men have some business with Captain Kurotsuchi" Yamamoto simply stared in suspicion at the trio. "And what business would that be Captain Ukitake?" Yamamoto questioned.

As Jushiro was going to answer once more, y/n stepped forward and with a firm voice spoke,"He sent soul reapers into my home and attacked my people. He needs to die." The captains gaped at the y/n's boldness when speaking to the head captain but before Yamamoto could respond a creepy looking man responded in an equally creepy voice,"What nonsense do you speak of boy?"

H/n: You know what we're talkin about ya creepy bastard! You sent a bunch of your soul reapers to hueco mundo to snatch up a hollow you called an 'anomaly'

All the soul reapers froze when h/n said hueco mundo was they're home and turned to yamamoto to gauge his reaction. Yamamoto sat there with his eyes darkened and his spiritual pressure(reiatsu is the same thing I might use either spiritual pressure or reiatsu but it means the same thing in the end) was weighing down upon all but two people in the room.

Yamamoto: So that's how I recognized you boy, you look exactly like the 4th espada. I don't know how I didn't see it sooner.
In response to the Head Captains spiritual pressure y/n raised his a bit higher, refusing to be intimidated by an old man. He directed the force of his spiritual pressure on Kurotsuchi and Yamamoto. Kurotsuchi's eyes bulged out of their sockets and began practically suffocating. H/n saw this and said," Alright enough with this dick measuring contest can we get on with business."(He wants Kurotsuchi to die but he wants y/n to actually kill him instead of just using spiritual pressure.)

The captains were relieved when they felt the spiritual pressure died down; it wasn't gone, just more bearable. Soi fon broke the silence by angrily asking" Why should we even listen to what you have to say, hollow!?!" With Kurotsuchi agreeing and some captains looking a bit unsure and others not really caring.

y/n stared at her with cold eyes that made her flinch then replied," Because If you don't none of you will leave this room." The captains all gripped the hilts of their sword not thinking that he would be able to kill them all but Yamamoto knew better and raised his hand in a stop motion. "We will listen to you, please explain what happened"

With no hesitation y/n reached up and tore one of his eyes out much to the shock of the others in the room. Before they could speak he held out his hand and crushed his eye making blue spirit particles fly out and for his memories of the event to play in front of everyone.

Once the memories ended they watched in morbid fascination as y/n's eye regenerated with no sign it was ever gone. H/n loudly spoke," The fuck are you all lookin at? Shouldn't you, ya know, be talkin about that prick?" This broke the soul reapers out of their staring and they all turned to Yamamoto for his verdict.

"We shall have a vote. It will determine whether or not Captain Kurotsuchi shall be punished. All who vote for punishment raise your hands and say I"

Kyoraku: !

Jushiro: I




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