Master and pupil

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"OI OI OI CHIBIGAMI WAKE UP!!!", was all Rukia heard before she was roughly yanked off the bed. The instant she hit the ground she reached for her sword, only to find that it wasn't there. So switching to the next best option she swung her fist at the unseen assailant.

Her hand however, was caught and her legs were swept from under her. On the floor she was able to see exactly who had pulled her from bed. It was the same man that was with the fourth espada look alike.

A mischievous grin was stretched across his skull,"Calm down chibigami I was only wakin ya for training"

Rukia's face quickly morphed into a scowl,"STOP CALLING ME TH-"

As she was about to finish her sentence the pale man dumped a bucket of white sand on the shinigami.

H/n: Sorry chibi we don't have much water around here we do have sand though

Rukia sputtered as she tried getting the sand out of her mouth.

H/n: Oh hey king what's up?

'King?',Rukia thought as she turned around, only to meet the gaze of apathetic green eyes belonging to the 'king'.

Under his gaze, fear spread through her and she took an involuntary step backwards.

Y/n: I am here to take the shinigami to train.

H/n: Yea, I was just waking her up for ya.

Y/n once more turned his gaze towards Rukia,"Are you prepared?"

Rukia: I-I need my zanpakuto.

Y/n just lifted his hand and presented her sword to her, which she took very carefully.

Y/n: Is there anything else you require before we begin?

The short shinigami wordlessly nodded and mentally prepared herself for whatever training she was about to endure.

"Very well let us begin, we will be back whenever we have finished h/n. I trust you will be able to maintain things in my absence?"

"Yup I got it under control"

The taller male nodded before opening a garganta to seemingly nowhere. He looked at the dark void in front of him and walked in with Rukia following closely behind.

Inside the garganta y/n held out his hand to stop Rukia. She was confused when Y/n held his hands outward before a huge wave of spiritual pressure was produced.

It was almost suffocating but Rukia knew she was only getting the residual waves of it.

Suddenly, the whole garganta began shaking violently while the void began to shape into something different.

A blinding light forced Rukia to close her eyes and when she finally opened them she was in shock.

The void was now replaced with a complete copy of hueco Mundo.

"H-how?", She gasped out.

Without turning y/n answered,"By introducing a void to a magnitude of my power I created a singularity. What you see now exists yet doesn't exist at the same time. Now it is time to begin, I am unsure how much time we have but I will do what I can."

Rukia: I'm stationed in the human world for six months to deal with hollow extermination.

Y/n:Very well, draw your sword and enter a stance.

Rukia drew her sword then entered a combat stance. Her legs were distant from each other with a slight crouch for stability, her back was slightly hunched over, and she had both hands firmly on her katana.

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