what the fuck

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Arts not mine I own nothing.

H/n was barely able to dodge an attack from the unseen threat. The force from the slash caused the sands around them to be blown back from the wind pressure produced.

By taking several small leaps back h/n was able to lay his eyes on the creature attacking him. It was skinny and hunched over. With multiple patches of blue hair sprouting from various regions on its head.

One of it's eyes was hollowed out leaving a black crevice in it's place the other however was a deep amber color. It's teeth contrasted it's bone white body being a disgusting unnatural orange.

Speaking of it's body, it had a small human like frame showing no animal characteristics like other hollows. The thing was the size of an average Vasto Lorde (roughly the size of a human which allows them to condense their hollow reiatsu making them stronger)

It's mouth secreting a pale green liquid identical to that of the sludge in the pit.

Despite all of these things it looked human, too human to be a hollow, but how could it be something else?

(Looks like this but with all the characteristics describe above)There was nothing but hollows I'm hueco Mundo no more no less

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(Looks like this but with all the characteristics describe above)
There was nothing but hollows I'm hueco Mundo no more no less.

At this point it didn't matter what it was, this thing was a threat and that's all that mattered.

Still snarling the thing quickly closed the distance between him and h/n before trying to slash him again but this time h/n was prepared and caught it's wrist before it could make contact.

H/n spun around intending on flinging the creature away from him. But as he tossed it the things arm came clean off decorating the hueco Mundo sands with a pale green liquid spewing from where the things arm used to be.

Thousands of thoughts crossed through h/n's mind before he deduced on why this thing was so fragile and a feral grin spread across his face.

H/n: So that's it huh, ya gotta lotta power but have no idea how to use it. This is gonna be fun.

The creature looked up to see h/n heading towards him with the same feral smirk and took an involuntary step back part of its mind or what's left of it screaming to run and another much more disturbing voice yearning for it to kill h/n.

Unfortunately for the creature the other voice won this mental battle and it prepared to charge forward.

Before it could it h/n vanished and reappeared in front of it before grabbing it's face and slamming it into the ground causing a large dust cloud to kick up beneath them.

As the sand cloud cleared up it showed a still smiling h/n standing over the hollow creature.

The smile soon faded however and was replaced with an innocent frown.

He started nudging the thing with his foot and said in a whiney voice that had a cruel under tone," C'mon get up entertain me some more, I was havin fun"

A Hollowed HeartWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu