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H/n=hollow name

y/n=your name

H/n: Whatever=speech.

Not my art.


As soon as y/n stepped through the garganta he was met with the pale corpse of himself lying on the bed. Making a slightly disgusted face he grabbed his cold dead body making sure not to get any blood on him before dropping it through the garganta. Meanwhile, h/n was watching this trying not to laugh about how carelessly y/n handled his old body.

Y/n looked at h/n expectantly waiting for him to walk through the garganta but he just turned around and started walking back to las noches.

y/n: Where are you going?

h/n: Someone's gotta watch over this place while you go fuck around on Remnant. Don't worry bout me, I'll be fine, just go do what ya gotta do.

Before y/n could say anything h/n forcefully closed the garganta. With a sigh, y/n turned around and looked at the disarray his room was in. There were burn marks on the wall, blood on the wall, and blood all over his bedsheets. Y/n stared at his alarm clock which read 4:30 AM. He walked towards the wardrobe in the corner before stripping off his all-white outfit and putting it away. Afterward, he pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and a plain black shirt before making the motion of sweeping his hair back which caused his helmet to disappear and get dressed.

With another deep sigh y/n stepped out of his room before sonidoing to the janitor's closet and grabbing a bucket, sponge, gloves, and cleaning chemicals, he then filled the bucket with water and took it back to his room. Once he reentered his dorm he got to work scrubbing the walls and anything else with blood on them before taking the sheets off his bed. Deciding that the sheets were unsalvageable he threw them in a garbage bag and began scrubbing the blood off his bed.

This whole process took about two hours and by the time he was finished he had an hour of free time before class. So he decided to put his Hueco Mundo outfit and Murcielago in his gear locker. Then he decided to take a shower to get the chemical fumes off of himself.

Picking out one of his usual outfits before his transformation, y/n grabbed black pants, a white long sleeve shirt, a sweater vest, and black sneakers before using sonido to get to the showers. Once finished he had 5 minutes until class so he decided to just walk instead of using sonido since he really didn't want to go to class. He walked slowly to Goodwitch's classroom and took a deep breath before entering.

The first thing y/n saw as he entered the class was everyone staring at him(I hated when this would happen whenever I was late for class it was always so awkward) Without a word he walked to an empty seat in the back of the class ignoring the stares of a happy RW and slightly shameful BY. Thankfully the attention was taken off of him as Professor Goodwitch walked in as soon as the bell rang.

Professor Goodwitch made eye contact with y/n before giving him a small smile and saying," It's nice to have you back in class y/n, I must say black hair suits you rather nicely."(She knows of you're change because Ozpin showed the professors video camera footage of you're change) The students looked at you wide-eyed not believing that you were the same y/n they knew but before they could say anything you spoke.

y/n gave a small smile and spoke in a silky voice," Thank you, Glynda"

Many of the girls blushed as you spoke while Cardin just tsked and muttered weakling.

30 minutes later~

Goodwitch: OK, who wants to volunteer to fight today?

Cardin raised his hand and Professor Goodwitch asked,"OK, Mr. Winchester who do you want to fight against?"

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