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Art is not mine I own nothing.

Now y/n was expecting many things when the small soul reaper waltzed into his quarters.

All things of course involved her trying to either kill or threaten him in some way. But out of everything, he never expected her to bow and practically yell for training.

So her request pretty much shocked him into silence but his friend standing next to him was not as quiet.

H/n still with a confused face stomped up to her and crouched down to her level,"Now wait a damn minute! Ya just waltz in here like you own the place and ask for training? How did ya even get here, and why the hell did you come here for training?"

With each question Rukia shrank away from the confused hollow as he practically screamed questions I'm her face.

Rukia: ah uh w-well....

H/n: Nope! uh uh I'm not done askin my questions yet so such ya trap!

He was about to continue his onslaught of questions until y/n grabbed him by the collar of his coat and tossed him into a chair behind the trio.

Before h/n could protest y/n walked up to Rukia and opened a garganta back to Karakura town.

She looked confused initially until he repeated the process he did with h/n and began walking toward the portal. Then she started flailing around trying to get out of his grip.


This momentarily halted the arrancar's movements as he looked over to his friend for advice.

H/n who was originally throwing a fit, now sat calmly on a white chair with a bored look on his face.

"Eh, couldn't hurt"

"I don't understand you at times",y/n responded back raising his eyebrow.

The portal closed and while still carrying Rukia walked over to another chair in the room and dumped her in it.

Rukia fixed the collar on her shinigami robes and raised her eyes to meet the cat like green ones staring at her.

Rukia: Everyone in soul society is training their hardest in order to be prepared for an enemy on the same level or higher than our last. All my friends have gotten stronger and I fear I will be left behind if I don't catch up soon.

Y/n: Why come here? I am sure that you would have many possibilities to train in soul society.

Rukia sat for a bit mentally thinking of how to respond before vocalizing," That is true there are many people to train with in soul society but none fit how I fight. My captain uses a two swords instead of one so I would be unable to effectively learn from him. And Nii-sama uses more long ranged attacks while in his released state so I would be unable to replicate his way of fighting.

"That seems logical. However, there are still those two others I believe their names were Kisuke and Yoruichi why not ask them for training."

Rukia almost barked out a laugh at the mention of those two mainly Urahara.

"Yoruichi-san fights using hakuda(hand to hand combat) so she also would not be an effective teacher and that moron with the bucket hat only uses brute force by putting all his power in one swing." Before continuing under her breath"like another friend of mine"

Y/n folded his hands behind his back as he processed the shinigami's explanation. The silence was deafening as y/n thought of an answer.

H/n:Ah, why the hell not king? could be fun. And if she ever tries to turn on ya she's too tiny to pose a threat. I mean look at her.

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