Part 10

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Gloria rushed around the house, dusting little spots, setting plates and drinks in the kitchen, and preparing a welcome speech?  she was trying to make everything perfect for y/n and her friends.

"Mom, you don't have to do that-"  y/n sighs, looking back at her mother from the couch.

"But I want it to be perfect for you!" she smiles, "ok, I'm done now." she finished dusting the bar table.

i look back to my phone, texting Mia.  she had agreed to pick everyone up.  when I said I wanted to make friends with her because she looked like a nice person, I was right!  she has got to be the sweetest person in the class.  Man! our group really lucked out.


mia:  y/n we are almost there!!

y/n:  greatt:D

my mom might do a speech so prepare your mental state

mia: ahaha

alright see you in a bit

read   12:45 am

i got off the couch, got a drink, and stood by the window.  suddenly, a black car pulls up by our open gate.  i rush out.

"Are they here!?" my mom questions in a panic.  of course, she had to get her dress ready and her hair.  whys she more excited about this than i am?

"Tubbo!!" i cheer, giving him a hug.

"Y/n!" he hugs back quickly.

"Wow! y/n your house is so big-"  mia gasps, taking out a plastic bag from the boot.  it was filled with the materials we needed for the project.

"HELLO!"  a loud screech sound approaches us. "I am Gloria!!"  she comes to shake the first hand that was closest to her.  she looks up, "Ah!  why are you so tall?!"




y/n and her friends head up to her room, more compliments come her way.  she liked it, but didn't want to get more.  she felt bad?  why? don't ask me.

"Alright, so these are the materials, we got cardboard, tape and a marker,"  Mia states, pointing to each item.

"Um, where do we start?"  tubbo asks

"We could always start off by getting the lengths and doing the area and volume first." Wilbur suggests.

"Ughh" i sigh. "Let's not do the boring work first." i look at Wilbur.  he shakes his head with a shy smile and a chuckle.

"How about girls do the building and we do the math?"  Tubbo stands up to get a piece of paper and pen from my desk.

"I'm down," i quickly respond, i ain't gon do no math.

everyone responds quickly, agreeing to tubbo's suggestion.  me and mia hurry along with the build.  it was quite easy.  

"We are done!" mia exclaims with a smile.

"We were done before you." wilbur laughed, was he trying to prove something?

"We did the important part, though!" i jokingly punch his shoulder, causing both of us to let out a couple of chuckles.

"What now?" Tubbo asks.

my bedroom door swings open, causing me to jump. "LUNCH!"  my mom smiles, holding a cut board with 8 pieces of bread, a butter knife, butter, jam and some cheese sticks.

"Mom were you listening in the whole time?!" i stand up, grabbing the cut board.

"What?" she extends the 'a' sound, making her sound suspicious, "I just have good ears." she smiles.  i roll my eyes.

she then points to Wilbur, "Tell me about your new boyfriend when you're done!" she giggles and quickly walks away.

"WHA-?! MOM!" the audacity she has to say that! i turn around, my face heated, "Im sorry about her.."  i refrain from sitting next to Wilbur.  it was too embarrassing, thus i took a seat next to Tubbo, who was the closest to the door.

i place the board in the middle of the four of us and we eat lunch.  maybe i was too hard on my mom when she came in... i should apologize later.


didnt get any sleep last night so heres a short one. sorry if its not too good.

drink water and eat your food  love you

also we r on our way to 100 views<3

i love you guys so much thx a lot.

you guys motivate me to continue writing this, even if the paragraphs arent as good as they were:)))))

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