Chapter 17

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I could feel the bright sunshine through my curtains. It was winter, so it was odd for the sun to be so bright today. Normally the sky is dreary and gray. But, today the sun was out, shining over us all.

I went downstairs to the lounge area in my dorm. I anticipatedly checked my mailbox to see if the producers had sent me any paperwork yet. As I unlocked my mailbox and opened the door, papers began flooding to the ground like a beast had just been let out of its cage...I guess they sent over the paperwork.

I bent down and began to bunch the papers together. I picked them up with both of my hands and brought them to my chest, carefully keeping the papers together by pushing them against my chest.

As I stood up I noticed a letter that fell out of my mailbox as well. It looked like an old envelope and had a wax stamp keeping it together. I picked it up and saw my name written with perfect calligraphy on the front.

I put the letter on top of my pile and began my mission to the elevator. Every step I took had to be purposeful. One miscalculation and these papers would be flying everywhere. Once I finally approached the elevator I carefully took my right hand off the pile, while ensuring my left hand was pressed against the pile and pushed the button.

*ding* I walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the 9th floor, staring at the numbers counting up as I anxiously waited for the door to open. As the doors began to creep open, I started my trek for my room. Walking past each door until I finally made it to my room. I scanned my key card and entered my room, placing the large pile on my desk.

Before I even looked at the paper my eyes darted to the letter. My hands began to caress the perfect wax seal. The initials T.C. were imprinted in it. My hands were moving faster than my brain. Before I knew it I had already opened the letter. Grabbing the perfect parchment that was carefully placed inside.

It looked old like someone had perfectly burned the edges of the parchment to make them curl. I picked up the letter and fell onto my bed, sprawled on my back while I held the letter above my face in the air.

My dearest Devyn,

I feel as though I should express why I left you unaccompanied in New York for the past few months. I assure you it was not out of my own volition. My sister, Pauline, was filming a movie in Hollywood when she found out her best friend, Caroline, was in a tragic car accident. She wanted to halt production to be with her, but her contract wouldn't let her. She would constantly call me, ensuring that I checked up on Caroline until one day she stopped. I began to grow worried, when I went to check on Caroline at the hospital I found out she had woken up. But, she couldn't remember anything, not her parents, siblings, or Pauline. Pauline found out before me and went into a state of denial, refusing to believe the truth. I had to be there for her. Her entire life changed, her best friend didn't know who she was and she was expected to carry on like nothing was wrong. Eventually, Pauline grew to accept the truth and told me to come back here. My first stop was your apartment, but you weren't there. I have to let you know that I missed you Dev. Every day felt like a longing for something better. That entire time I wanted to reach out, but I could never find the right words. I was an idiot and I shouldn't have assumed everything would be normal when we reunited. I can not expect you to think of me the same. But I am only asking one thing. Can you please forgive me?

Yours ardently,

Timothée Chalamet

I placed the letter on my desk and grabbed my phone off the charger. I couldn't stay mad at Timmy, after everything he had gone through I began to feel selfish for even assuming that he had left me with malicious intent. I found Timmy and I's old text messages and began to type.

My tender timothée,

As I read your letter, my heart began to break. I can't even begin to imagine what Pauline and you have gone through over the past few months. I appreciate your willingness to help your sister, It truly is a good trait to have. I fear my stubbornness got in the way of any sort of rational thinking. I forgive you always.

Yours ardently,

Devyn Adams

P.S. I don't have any fancy parchment paper or I would have sent you a letter back

I clicked send and anxiously awaited a reply from Timmy. After 5 minutes he still had not read it and I decided to put my phone across the room. I began going through the stack of paperwork I just received. I was carefully reading and signing each page until I heard my phone begin to vibrate...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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