I Love You | Part 1

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Bravely, Mipha steps between Link and Russ. Sidon and I step forward too while Russ takes a big step back.

"Dude, calm down, I'm not looking for trouble," Russ says, both hands in the air.

"What happened?" Mipha wants to know. We all want to know.

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask Link when he doesn't reply to Mipha. I put my hand on his shoulder, that's when he finally snaps out of it. His eyes shift to me and recover some of their color. It's almost as if he just woke up from a very vivid dream.

"I'm sorry," he says in barely a whisper.

"What's going on?" I ask quietly.

I'd assume that Russ and Link have some kind of troubled history, like he does with Ganon, but it appears that Russ met Link for the first time today.

"Nothing," Link shakes his head.

Russ approaches Link and I wish he wouldn't... I don't have a problem with Russ but right now he shouldn't be anywhere near Link.

"Listen man, I'm sorry if I overstepped a line or somethin'."

"You didn't do anything," I say to Russ. "It was a misunderstanding," I add, hoping it will keep Mipha and Sidon from asking for details. I believe Link when he says he doesn't know why he attacked Russ like that, but there must be a reason, even if it's subconscious.

"Im just gonna go," Russ mutters, stepping back with his snowboard in hand.

I don't know Russ at all, so I wasn't sure how he would react. Most guys would have hit back or started a fight. I'm extremely relieved that Russ is reasonable and walks away before anything worse can happen.

"I have to get back to Revali," Mipha says to us. She looks mildly concerned and can't take her eyes off of Link. "Will you be alright?" she asks him.

He gives her a nod without looking at her. The crowd slowly dissolves and after a short break, Link resumes his training... We don't talk much more throughout the rest of the day. He just seems too focused on his jumps and I don't want to bring up the fight. I decide to just ignore it. At least I'm trying. Part of me refuses to forget the look on his face when Russ ogled Mipha.


We are back at the same restaurant from last night. Their food was really good so we are having dinner here again. Tomorrow, Mipha wants to run errands with me while Link is training for the tournament; she wants to make dinner for us all for Christmas Eve and needs certain ingredients.

I'm sitting between her and Link. Although he is sitting right next to me, it feels as if he is sitting on the other side of the restaurant. I convince myself that he is so quiet because of the upcoming tournament, and not for any other reasons...

I can't stop thinking about it. I look at him now. He's eating his roast and doesn't notice my eyes on him. He looks calm and content. Like a totally different person to the Link who had Russ in his firm grip.

Russ' voice echoes through my thoughts. She your girlfriend?

No, we're just friends.

I wish I could find comfort in Link's words, but 'just friends' was our label for the longest time of our 'friendship'. It doesn't comfort me at all to hear him say that about Mipha. I know they aren't a couple, that's impossible considering I live with him, but that doesn't mean her love is automatically unrequited.

I'm nauseous... I can't finish my food.

"Hey, are you okay? You don't look so good," Mipha asks me quietly enough that nobody else hears it.

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