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Chapter 8: Carnage!


The alien stares at the extended hand of the Shredder who offers to join an alliance with him. Unfortunately for the Shredder, Virus just shrugged and turned his back as he headed back up the stairs.

"Your proposition sounds interesting to me but alas, I'm afraid I must decline" Virus gave Shredder an answer.

"And may I wonder why?" The Shredder growled.

Virus sat on the Shredder's throne and explained: "Don't get me wrong, the turtles are a common enemy of ours but unfortunately you and your band of mutants are also my enemy"

"W-What have we done to you?!" Stockman Fly whimpered.

"You took my mutagen and used it to your advantage; no one does that to my creations, especially not the Kraang! I will have my revenge on them but if I'm going to do that then I must rid those who are a threat to my plan" Virus growled before his dark green eyes glowed hotly at the group:

"And you lot are the first in my list to go"

"You dare threaten me?" The Shredder dangerously barked.

"Yes I do; so say whatever prayers you have in this world because your time has come" Virus hissed.

"I have fought many creatures like yourself, I'm not afraid to fight you" The Shredder angrily prepares himself to fight Virus.

Virus soon chuckles coldly before he shook his head: "Oh I'm not fighting you lot"

"What?" Tiger Claw tilts his head in confusion.

Virus's cold grin widens before with a snap of his robotic fingers, a large figure landed in front of the top stairs. The Foot Clan jumped at the new figure in front of them, it had the body of a large muscular man but the skin was all purplish with dark purple veins revealing all over the entire body, it's head was round and bald with large white distorted eyes.

Its mouth was wide with sharp razor teeth and its tongue was long and red like a slimy vine.

This was the monster that was once Michelangelo now known as Midnight.

This was the monster that was once Michelangelo now known as Midnight

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"What the hell is that thing?!" Rahzar yelled.

"This, my fellow warriors, is my latest creation! Say hello to Midnight" Virus chuckled as he got up to stand next to Midnight and adds:

"He is created out of the mutagen that I have restored from the turtles and from what I found over the course of this planet. I call it the Parasite..."

"The Parassssite?" Stockman Fly buzzed in fear.

"This symbiotic mutagen is far greater than the others that I created and now with this spearhead of my latest work, I will begin to extract the first part of my plan...taking out the rest of the trash of my mutagen failures, starting with you lot" Virus explained

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