Episode 1: Welcome to the playground

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It all started on that bridge...

As I arose from the dust I looked around, there were bodies everywhere. Yet I couldn't find my father, as I panicked I ran in dire search for him. As the dirt and dust started to clear, I could see two girls in front of me, one of them was crying. I reached out to ask if she was ok, when I looked ahead and saw a dead man and woman, they looked a lot like the girls.

I then heard clanging and grunting, I looked up to see my dad beating someone up, as he walked away from them I ran to him. "Dad!!" I yelled, he turns around and sees me, he quickly hugs me. He then looks over my shoulder to see the other two girls, he sighs deeply. He grabs a hold of my hand then starts walking towards them.

He quickly hugs the girls, and as he does the older girl starts crying more. I walk toward her and hug her. "It'll be ok.." I said as I hugged the girl and held onto the younger one's hand. My father manages to somehow pick us all up, as he slowly walks away from the bridge I look over his shoulder, and what I saw chilled me to my nerves, there was my mother sitting down holding her stomach bleeding, smiling while my father walked away with me.

She waves, then she closes her eyes, and her hand drops. "Mom?!" I yelled out, my father tightened his grip around me. I tried to kick and push to get off of him and run to her, but nothing worked. As the last of the dust settled I could see all the people who died, fighting for the undercity, my mother being one of them.

~ a few years later~

"C'mon Mylo! You're so slow, dude." I said while laughing, he looks up and glares at me. "Hey, it's not my fault! Both you and Vi dragged us all up here." He exclaims, he then looks up ahead "Why is she here anyway?" He asked, I look up to see Powder, Vi's little sister. I glare at him and whack his head, "Ouch! Hey, what was that for?!" He yelled, "Because you're annoying and nosey. If Vi brought Powder up here then it's for her own reason. You should know that by now." I explained.

Claggor looks at us, "Natalie's right Mylo, Powder may be here to do something we can't." Claggor said, Mylo laughed. "Like what, blow up a building? Oh, wait. Her bombs don't even work." He says snickering. I see Powder look down, and Vi's fists scrunch up. "Shit, better tone down the situation." I thought to myself, I turned to Mylo and said, "Well if you weren't too busy being a blabbermouth and paid attention once in a while, you would see how hard Powder works to do stuff with us." As I speed-walked away from him, I hear Claggor laugh, and see Powder smile.

I walk up to Vi and put my hand on her shoulder, she looks over "Hey Nat." She says, I snicker. She looks at me confused, then out of nowhere Powder jumps on Vi's back. "Onward, to this crazy job we're doing!" Powder yells, everyone laughs.

~ a few hours later~

"So we're officially on topside huh?" I ask, Claggor nods as we walk along the rooftops. "Why can't we go down there and walk with the other people?" Mylo asks, "Cause we don't want to draw too much attention, it wouldn't end well if they found out people from the under-city were on top-side." Vi explains she stops walking, "What if Vander finds out we were up here?" Mylo asks, "He won't if we don't screw it up!" I said. "Besides this is the type of job he did when he was our age." Vi says, she turns towards us "We're gonna have to jump here." She says, "Follow my lead." She says as she drops, she grabs onto the railing and slowly walks on the ledge, then jumps over to the other roof.

Mylo takes his turn, then Claggor. "C'mon Powder!" Mylo yells, I look at Powder and see she's frozen with fear. "I knew this would happen." Mylo groans, "I'll get her." He says, "No." Vi says. She looks at me and nods her head, I nod back.

I grab a hold of Powder's hand and bring her to forward a bit, "Powder listen to me!" Vi says, Powder brings her eyes towards her pink-haired sister. As Vi tries to encourage her younger sister, I lean forward and rub her back. Then Vi asks, "What did Nat and I tell you today?" Powder looks up "You both said I was ready!" Powder replied happily, Vi nodded and smiled "That's right, now are you coming?" Vi asked, Powder nodded and proceeds down, she jumps over but almost falls.

"Powder!" I yell, I then see Vi catch Powder by the wrist. I let out a relieved breath of air. "Come on Nat, or we'll leave without you!" Claggor says, "Oi! You guys wouldn't dare!" I yelled, proceeding down hastily, "You sure about that?" Mylo says while walking away, I yelped and grabbed a cupcake off the plate on the balcony before jumping over to the other rooftop, "Finally you made it." Powder says as she rolled her eyes then laughed, I look at her and chuckled "Don't give me sass little one." I say while nudging her, she giggles.

We start walking along the rooftops again, I get bored and run up to Vi, she looks over at me. "You need anything, Nat?" She asked, "Actually yes." I say, Vi looks over at me with a raised eyebrow. "And what would that be?" She asked, I slowly raised the cupcake I stole earlier, "I want you to try this with me." I said, she chuckles. "You sure you wouldn't want to share that with Powder? I know how much you both like sharing sweets." Vi says, I shake my head.

"No, plus it would be a shame if I didn't get to share it with another close friend of mine" I said while splitting the cupcake in half and handing her a piece. She takes it and chuckles, she takes a bite and smiles. "Is it good?" I ask, she nods. I smile and bite into my half of the cupcake. "It is good!" I say proceeding to eat more, Vi laughs.

~ a few minutes later~

"There are so many enforcers." Mylo says, "Thanks captain obvious as if we don't already see that.'' I say while rolling my eyes. Mylo glares over at me, I look at him and stick my tongue out. "This many enforcers just means we're in the right place, c'mon guys." Vi says while swinging down from the roof to the balcony below us. As we all land on the balcony I whack Mylo's head, "Alright dumbass, you're up!" He holds his head, "Ow, first of all. Second, can't you pick locks too?" He says as he pulls out his keys, I nod.

"Yeah, but I only do it when I find it's necessary." I said while leaning on the railing. Mylo starts fiddling with the keys and the lock, "C'mon Mylo hurry up." Claggor says, "Well maybe if little Ms. ADHD over here would help maybe it would be open by no-" Mylo gets cut off by Vi kicking the door open. I groan and rub my head.

"Now they're definitely gonna know we're here." I say as I walk into the living space. Vi throws her backpack to the ground, "Fill it up with what you can find." She says, we all nod and began to search. I found some watches, scrolls, and some trophies. I put them all in the bag, "Damn it's already halfway full?" I asked, Powder nodded and put a unicorn figurine in the bag.

I hear Powder and Vi talk to each other, then out of nowhere Mylo goes "Oh yeah? Then what's this" and holding something up, Powder rolls her eyes and says, "That's a nose trimmer." I start laughing, Vi chuckles then turns to Powder. "How about you find stuff before Mylo fills the bag up with junk?" Vi says, Powder laughs and nods. "How did you even know about this place?" Claggor asked Vi, "Little man." Vi and I reply at the same time.

As we wait for Powder to collect more stuff we hear the lock at the front door click, our heads shot up and toward the door. I grab the closest chair which coincidentally was Mylo's, as he falls I hand Vi the chair and she jams it under the doorknob. "C'mon Powder we gotta go!!" She yells. I grab the bag and run onto the balcony, I watch Vi run past me but no Powder. "POWDER C'MON!!!" I yelled, I saw her run to the balcony. Just as we were about to climb onto the roof, the building exploded.

To be continued...

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