Episode 10: The boy savior and the knight Pt.1

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one of Natalie's themes both of the siblings share it btw

also, wait to play the song till I say pls 〒▽〒


SO siblings being as they are, Vi and Jinx get in a teensy argument, I guess you could say after, which Caitlyn shows up. Not long after, with Jinx almost murdering the trio, a gang called The Firelights shows up. Natalie knowing the potential end to this, still stays and fights against them along with her old friends. The fight was going well until the trio and Jinx were knocked out by the gang then dragged away. Later after Natalie wakes up, she gets dragged away from Caitlyn after finding out Vi was taken too. She then demands one of the members of The Firelights to reveal themselves, only for it to be one of her friends before the incident, Ekko. After the two catch up just a bit, he then reveals that someone very close to Natalie who she thought had died, was not.

~Now onto the story (ง •_•)ง ~

"Hey sis..." the boy said while trailing off, he looked at me then looked at the others. "I see you have some friends-" I cut him off by hugging him, I felt his body tense. He slowly hugs me back, I smile, I feel tears fill my eyes. I let go of the boy, I look at him up and down, "Hey Cal." I say. I see him softly smile, I look at Vi and Caitlyn looking confused. I let go of Callan, rub my hands, and smile. I point at him, "Vi, Caitlyn... This is my brother, Callan." I say, Caitlyn, rolls her eyes. "As if the sister part didn't give it away, how come I didn't know about him?" she asks, Vi then steps in.

"Hey, it might've been a tough subject for her, from my experience with my sister of course I wouldn't want to talk about it." Vi said, Caitlyn scoffs. "What about you, how long have you known?" she asks, "Maybe a year or two after I met Natalie, but that's not the point." Vi answered, I rolled my eyes. I turn to Callan, "How about we head somewhere else and talk?" I ask, he looks at them, then at me. "Sure, why not." he answered. As we walk away I see Ekko trying to calm the situation down, I then see Callan turn in a different direction, I stop. He stops and looks at me, "Where are you going?" I ask, "Oh, I was going to take you to my space." he says I then smiled, "Alright, lead the way little rockstar." I say as I follow him, I hear him chuckle.

~ Time skip ~

As I sit on my brothers' bed I look around at his room, it reminded me of the nursery Mom and Dad made a bit, combined with a teenage lane boy of course. I look on his bed and see something familiar, I grab it. Seeing what it was my thoughts were slipped out, "Oh my god, he still has this." I say gripping the object, Callan pops up from a corner. "Has what?" he asks, he sees the object in my hands and instantly snatches it from my hands. "You still have the rabbit Mom and I made you?!" I yelled, I quickly got off the bed wondering if he had anything else that Mom, Dad, or I had given him.

Callan pushes me onto the bed with his hand, "No snooping, and yes I do have Mr. Bun still." he said, I smiled. "Last time I heard you say that name you were this tall." I said putting my hand to my knees, Callan's eyes roll. He sits on the bed, "Since we haven't seen each other in a bit. How about we catch up?" he asks, I chuckle. "A bit? Feels like forever. But sure, let's do just that." I say, we then start to talk about how life treated us, friends, the bad things, the good things, everything until the moment we saw each other again.

When it was done, I finally felt like I knew my brother again, as he was polishing some knives I heard him humming a familiar tune. "Whatcha humming there Cal?" I ask him as I pick out a book, "Mom's song, the one she used to sing us before bed." he responded. My eyes widened, "But the last time we heard it was before the incident, and then he was just four years old." I thought to myself, I heard him continue the song. I smiled softly and sat down, I closed my eyes and thought about when mom would sing the song to us in my room or in the nursery.

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